PEN International

Articles by PEN International

Members of the OAS participate in the OAS 42nd Assembly in June 2012, David Mercado/REUTERS

IFEX members concerned over undermining of OAS Special Rapporteur

Over 30 IFEX members express concern at a set of proposals put forth by the government of Ecuador and due to be discussed on 8 March in Ecuador that seek to reform the OAS Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression.

Tunisian writer Naziha Rjiba (pictured here in January) has received death threats., Naziha Rjiba/Facebook.

Death threats and attacks on freedom of expression intensify in Tunisia

Death threats, physical attacks, an emergence of hate speech and accusations of official censorship of critical media have escalated the perilous situation for freedom of expression in Tunisia, say over 20 IFEX members.

Link to: Qatari poet’s life sentence reduced to 15 years

Qatari poet’s life sentence reduced to 15 years

The life sentence handed down to poet Mohammed Ibn al-Dheeb al-Ajami for a critical poem he wrote was reduced to fifteen years on 25 February 2013.

Link to: International community urged to hold Azerbaijan accountable

International community urged to hold Azerbaijan accountable

Following the arrest of over 70 peaceful demonstrators in Ismayilli, a partnership group is calling on the international community to hold Azerbaijan to the commitments it has taken before the Council of Europe and the UN to uphold freedom of expression.

Case dismissed against Filipino poet

Filipino poet and activist Ericson Acosta is expected to be released imminently after being detained for almost two years on what are now acknowledged to be trumped up charges of illegal possession of explosives.

Link to: Syrian playwright arrested, whereabouts unknown

Syrian playwright arrested, whereabouts unknown

Syrian playwright Zaki Cordillo has been detained in Damascus since 13 August 2012 at an unknown location and may be at serious risk of torture and ill-treatment.

13 bloggers, citizen journalists and human rights activists were sentenced to jail in Vietnam, ARTICLE 19

IFEX members call for release of 13 Vietnamese activists

Thirty IFEX members protested the sentencing of bloggers, citizen journalists and rights activists, jailed for up to 13 years in the biggest ever trial of pro-democracy activists in Vietnam.

Link to: Prominent Saudi writer’s safety at risk after arrest

Prominent Saudi writer’s safety at risk after arrest

Saudi writer Turki Al-Hamad was arrested on 24 December after sending out a series of controversial tweets. He is at risk of being facing the death penalty.