PEN International

Articles by PEN International

Link to: BBC journalist released on bail

BBC journalist released on bail

Urunboy Usmonov was released on bail on 14 July 2011 after signing a written pledge to remain in the country to face criminal charges.

Link to: Poet released from prison but sentence still standing

Poet released from prison but sentence still standing

No reason has been given for Ayat Al-Gormezi’s release, although it is thought that international pressure may have been a contributing factor.

Elisabeth Eide

Scars of oppression run deep in the country’s media

IFEX-TMG report calls for free and independent media and a strong, democratic and open civil society.

Link to: Crackdown on dissent continues in spite of selective presidential amnesty

Crackdown on dissent continues in spite of selective presidential amnesty

According to WiPC information, several writers arrested in the recent crackdown on anti-government protests were reported to have been released as part of a presidential amnesty.

Link to: IFEX-TMG members alarmed by resurgence of Internet censorship and arrests

IFEX-TMG members alarmed by resurgence of Internet censorship and arrests

IFEX-TMG calls for free speech rights of Tunisian citizens to be upheld in the run up to free elections.

Link to: Thirty-seven IFEX members urge authorities to accommodate visit of UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression

Thirty-seven IFEX members urge authorities to accommodate visit of UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression

The groups urged President Rajapaksa to invite the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, Frank La Rue, to Sri Lanka, while expressing deep concern for journalists who continue to be subjected to threats, harassment and assaults with alarming regularity.

Link to: Thirty-three IFEX members express grave concern over restrictions on freedom of expression

Thirty-three IFEX members express grave concern over restrictions on freedom of expression

IFEX members note with alarm the efforts of China’s authorities to restrict freedom of expression in regard to debate on political reform in China, following reform movements in the Middle East and North Africa since late 2010.

Link to: Thirty-three IFEX members condemn continued persecution of imprisoned journalists

Thirty-three IFEX members condemn continued persecution of imprisoned journalists

The detained journalists are held without charges and forced to endure terrible conditions such as extended periods in the sun and denial of medication.