PEN International

Articles by PEN International

IFEX-TMG members call for immediate release of ailing journalist on hunger strike

IFEX-TMG is gravely concerned for the well-being of Fahem Boukaddous, who began a hunger strike on 8 October to protest his prison conditions.

Link to: Twenty-eight IFEX members voice concern about journalists’ safety in the lead up to the elections

Twenty-eight IFEX members voice concern about journalists’ safety in the lead up to the elections

With increased reports of killings, beating, assaults and threats to journalists, the space under which media exercise their fundamental rights and freedoms is increasingly being narrowed.

Link to: Two more writers released, exiled to Spain

Two more writers released, exiled to Spain

Librarian José Miguel Martínez Hernández arrived in Madrid on 24 September, while journalist Miguel Galván Gutiérrez arrived the following day.

Link to: Judges who call for independent judiciary targeted for speaking out

Judges who call for independent judiciary targeted for speaking out

IFEX-TMG members have written to the IAJ to appeal for support for judges, who are being persecuted for openly calling for judicial independence or for criticising the government.

Link to: Thirty-one IFEX members call on President Kabila to end persecution and harassment of journalists and media

Thirty-one IFEX members call on President Kabila to end persecution and harassment of journalists and media

There has been a steady decline in the working environment for Congolese journalists and the space for free expression is shrinking.

Link to: Thirty-one IFEX members and global partners demand retraction of proposed amendment to Press and Journalists Act

Thirty-one IFEX members and global partners demand retraction of proposed amendment to Press and Journalists Act

The proposed amendment would restrict freedom of expression and impede the ability of journalists and media outlets to fulfill their important roles.

Link to: Thirty-five IFEX members and other organisations appeal for charges to be dropped against prominent human rights activists and blogger

Thirty-five IFEX members and other organisations appeal for charges to be dropped against prominent human rights activists and blogger

Gamal Eid, Ahmad Saif al-Islam and Amr Gharbeia are charged with criminal defamation, use of threats and misuse of communications tools.

Régis Iglesias Ramírez

Twelfth writer released into exile

Poet and activist Régis Iglesias Ramírez was freed on 17 August 2010 and arrived in Madrid the next day.