Articles by Privacy International

Global coalition stands against unchecked surveillance
People are encouraged to join around 200 organisations supporting the adoption of 13 basic principles applying existing human rights law to modern digital surveillance.

Tell European leaders to stop spying on citizens
Sign the petition to tell Europe’s leaders to take action to stop the US, UK and other governments from carrying out mass surveillance.

Corruption scandal reveals use of surveillance software in Mexico
Following reports that the Mexican prosecution authority appears to be not only using FinFisher, but also to be involved in a corruption scandal surrounding the purchase of this intrusive surveillance technology, the Mexican Permanent Commission has asked for an investigation into the use of spyware in Mexico.

What do constitutional privacy protections look like around the world?
On the heels of 4 July 2013, when thousands of Americas gathered in support of restoring the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, Privacy International asks where do other countries stand when it comes to privacy protections.

Netsweeper latest company to aid Pakistan’s filtering and surveillance network
A report by Citizen Lab revealed another repressive tool being used in Pakistan to control and prevent information being accessed on the internet – this time with help from the Canadian web-filtering company, Netsweeper.

Complaint against British surveillance company moves forward
A complaint filed with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) against Gamma International, a UK-based company accused of selling surveillance spyware for governments, will proceed and has been accepted for consideration, the UK National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD announced.

Privacy for the other five billion
The collection of citizens’ fingerprints, photographs and iris scans in the developing world and other such Western-backed biometrics programmes pose a threat to civil liberties.

Pakistan urged to investigate presence of spyware on its communications network
A consortium of NGOs and individuals has called on the Pakistan Telecommunication Company to investigate the existence of a FinFisher surveillance tool on its network and publicly disclose its findings.