Articles by Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

Vietnamese video blogger Do Cong Duong dies in prison
Detained since 2018 for his reporting on land disputes and corruption, citizen journalist Do Cong Duong died on 2 August. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) sounds the alarm about the situation of the 40 other journalists and bloggers currently detained in Vietnam.

Malta: Rights groups support ‘The Shift News’ in its freedom of information battle with the government
‘The Shift News’ faces an all-out legal battle against 40 freedom of information lawsuits brought by 40 government entities in Malta. These appeal lawsuits pose a serious threat to the country’s already worrying freedom of information and press freedom climate, and should be dropped.

Greece: Abusive lawsuits against journalists follow illegal surveillance revelations
The prime minister’s close adviser (and nephew) has launched a lawsuit against two media outlets over articles concerning alleged illegal surveillance of the press by the government. Journalist Thanasis Koukakis, a target of this surveillance, is also being sued for tweeting about the articles’ revelations.

Greek authorities must speed up investigations into attacks on media
In the last three years, ‘Star TV’ journalist Giorgos Karaivaz was shot dead, ‘Documento’ editor Kostas Vaxevanis reportedly had a contract put on his head, and ‘Makelio’ editor Stefanos Chios was shot at and wounded.

Lebanon: Harassment of journalists can kill
No one has been arrested for Lokman Slim’s murder and around 20 other Lebanese journalists still face threats for their work.

Pegasus judicial proceedings in France offer only possibility of prosecution and punishment
“The judicial investigation launched by the ‘cyber’ section at the Paris prosecutor’s office on 1 July is the result of a series of complaints filed over the past year, above all by RSF which – together with 25 journalists from ten countries – filed a total of four complaints.”

Courts setting punitive bail conditions to censor journalists
The setting of excessively high bail fees is seen as a deliberate attempt to intimidate the media In Nigeria into silence.

Liberian journalists physically attacked and legally challenged
Reporters Without Borders is concerned by the rise in attacks against the media In Liberia.