South East European Network for Professionalization of Media (SEENPM)

Articles by South East European Network for Professionalization of Media (SEENPM)

Link to: Thirty-eight organisations call for freedom of expression and justice in the Ampatuan massacre trials

Thirty-eight organisations call for freedom of expression and justice in the Ampatuan massacre trials

Thirty-six IFEX members, along with Centre for Law and Democracy and the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines, expressed concern about the 12 April resolution of the Court of Appeals, Manila Special Division of Five, requiring Monette Salaysay and Rowena Paraan to explain why they should not be held in contempt for comments attributed to them in a “Philippine Daily Inquirer” article regarding the Ampatuan Town Massacre trials.

Link to: Thirty-four IFEX members call for murder investigations

Thirty-four IFEX members call for murder investigations

Representatives from the international community of journalists’ organisations and press freedom defenders gathered in Lebanon for IFEX’s bi-annual conference and urged the Pakistani government and its law-enforcement and security agencies to take immediate action to implement all appropriate measures to protect media personnel and to prosecute murderers of journalists.

Link to: Thirty-seven IFEX members urge authorities to accommodate visit of UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression

Thirty-seven IFEX members urge authorities to accommodate visit of UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression

The groups urged President Rajapaksa to invite the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, Frank La Rue, to Sri Lanka, while expressing deep concern for journalists who continue to be subjected to threats, harassment and assaults with alarming regularity.

Link to: Thirty-three IFEX members express grave concern over restrictions on freedom of expression

Thirty-three IFEX members express grave concern over restrictions on freedom of expression

IFEX members note with alarm the efforts of China’s authorities to restrict freedom of expression in regard to debate on political reform in China, following reform movements in the Middle East and North Africa since late 2010.

Link to: Thirty-seven IFEX members call attention to the plight of 17 journalists, bloggers and artists who remain detained in Burmese prisons

Thirty-seven IFEX members call attention to the plight of 17 journalists, bloggers and artists who remain detained in Burmese prisons

Even though a new government has been formed in Burma after the elections in November 2010, there is still no guarantee of improvements in the country’s media environment.

Link to: Fifty-seven IFEX members and partners call on world authorities to help stop human rights violations and free expression abuses

Fifty-seven IFEX members and partners call on world authorities to help stop human rights violations and free expression abuses

Forty-two IFEX members and 15 partners appealed for global attention to stop detention, torture and threats to journalists and free expression activists, including to IFEX member Bahrain Centre for Human Rights.

Link to: New constitution poses serious threat to right to information, warn human rights and media freedom groups

New constitution poses serious threat to right to information, warn human rights and media freedom groups

The new Constitution replaces the independent Data Protection and Freedom of Information Commissioner with an administrative authority.

Link to: New media law substantially curtails press freedom, says SEENPM

New media law substantially curtails press freedom, says SEENPM

Click below to read the SEENPM report: