Articles by World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC)
Tunisia’s war on civil liberties intensifies with year’s end
IFEX-TMG is deeply alarmed by a series of violations in the past week of the right to access information, free expression and movement, as well as a blatant assault on a journalist.
International partnership meeting statement
Twenty-eight organisations meeting to discuss international partnerships joined colleagues in the Philippines in remembering victims of the Ampatuan Town Massacre.
Forty-four IFEX members call for concrete measures to end violence against outspoken women journalists and activists
On the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, on 25 November 2010, 44 IFEX members, including members of the IFEX Gender Working Group, call attention to the situation of women in the free expression community who are subject to targeted attacks because of their gender.
Five years past WSIS, online activity even more censored, critics silenced
The IFEX-TMG is deeply concerned that five years after hosting the World Summit on the Information Society, Tunisia remains one of the most repressive countries for independent journalists, bloggers and human rights defenders.
Authorities shut down three community radio stations
Police officers shut down Radio Felicidad, Tentación and Radio 24, seizing the last two stations’ broadcasting equipment.
IFEX-ALC launches guide on best practices for monitoring and documenting attacks on free expression
The guide outlines a number of crucial steps to standardise monitoring, investigating, analysing and documenting free expression violations in the region.
Honduras accepts United Nations Human Rights Council recommendations on free expression
Countries participating in the Universal Periodic Review on Hondruas expressed concern over the freedom of expression situation, especially the murders of nine journalists so far in 2010.
Thirty IFEX members sign petition to Prime Minister Lee asking him to withdraw charges against Alan Shadrake
The public is invited to join IFEX members in signing a petition to Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong regarding the case of British writer and journalist Alan Shadrake who is at risk of being sent to prison in Singapore for his book, “Once a Jolly Hangman: Singapore Justice in the Dock” about the death penalty.