Articles by World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC)

Community radio journalist sentenced to two years in prison
Héctor Camero was convicted of using, developing and exploiting radio frequencies without authorisation.

Serious situation of freedom of expression in Honduras
A delegation of the IFEX-ALC will attend the Universal Periodic Review of Honduras to express its concern over the current state of free expression in this Central American country.

Thirty-eight IFEX members make recommendations to improve freedom of expression at Honduras’s UPR
In support of the IFEX-Latin America and the Caribbean (IFEX-ALC) mission to the Honduras UPR in Geneva, IFEX members provided recommendations regarding the country’s freedom of expression record.

IFEX-TMG calls on judges associations worldwide to support persecuted independent judges in Tunisia
On the eve of the International Association of Judges (IAJ) Congress, the IFEX-TMG reiterates its deep concern about the continuous persecution of independent judges.

AMARC welcomes community radio breakthrough
The move is a crucial breakthrough for the Community Radio Coalition, which has been campaigning for such a move since Nigeria returned to multi-party democracy.

Community radio station in Chiapas forcibly shut down
The officials who raided the station and seized equipment did not identify themselves, nor did they present any documentation to justify their actions.

AMARC and PPF mission makes key recommendations for disaster response
The mission to flood-hit communities in Pakistan focused on the role of community radio stations in providing key information to residents about reconstruction efforts.

IFEX-TMG members call for immediate release of ailing journalist on hunger strike
IFEX-TMG is gravely concerned for the well-being of Fahem Boukaddous, who began a hunger strike on 8 October to protest his prison conditions.