Articles by World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC)
Radio station faces possible closure
(AMARC/IFEX) – The Quito-based FM radio station La Luna, an AMARC associate, faces possible closure by President Lucio Gutiérrez’s government. According to station director Paco Velasco, government officials intend to shut down La Luna. Velasco said the government plans to impose sanctions on the station via the Ecuadorian Broadcasting Association (Asociación Ecuatoriana de Radiodifusión). The […]
Radio station closed
(AMARC/IFEX) – Radio Nasa, the Nasa indigenous peoples’ radio station, was shut down on the morning of 2 September 2004. Acting on a Communications Ministry order, police and mayor’s office representatives seized the station’s equipment. Radio Nasa was launched in Toribío in 1996 with the support of indigenous leaders and the local catholic mission. Toribío […]
Community radio station shut down in Porto Alegre
(AMARC/IFEX) – On 4 August 2004, the community radio station in Restinga, Porto Alegre, was shut down by 12 police officers and officials from ANATEL, the broadcasting regulator. The officers disconnected the transmitter and the telephone and confiscated all of the station’s equipment. ANATEL officials presented a court order issued by a Porto Alegre criminal […]
Declaración de redes latinoamericanas de comunicación en apoyo a la campaña CRIS
(AMARC/IFEX) – Lo que sigue es una carta pública de AMARC y otras redes latinoamericanas de comunicación en apoyo a la campaña CRIS (Communication Rights in the Information Society) con fecha del 29 de julio de 2004: Carta pública de las redes latinoamericanas de comunicación en apoyo a la campaña CRIS Otra comunicación es posible […]
Communications and Transportation Secretariat threatens to shut down community radio stations
(AMARC/IFEX) – In a 2 June 2004 joint statement, AMARC-Mexico and a number of human rights organisations expressed concern over threats by the Communications and Transport Secretariat (Secretario de Comunicaciones y Transportes, SCT) that it would shut down certain community radio stations. The organisations noted that in March 2004, the Interior Ministry formed a working […]
President ratifies decree on community-based radio broadcasting
(AMARC/IFEX) – On 14 May 2004, government ministers and Bolivian President Carlos D. Mesa Gisbert ratified a Decree on Community-Based Radio Broadcasting. The move was hailed as a significant advance in terms of recognising community-based radio stations and brings Bolivia one step closer to implementing the recommendations put forth by the Inter-American Commission on Human […]
President instructs authorities to close “clandestine” radio stations
(AMARC/IFEX) – The following is an AMARC-Mexico, Fray Francisco de Vitoria Human Rights Centre (Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Francisco de Vitoria) and Mexican Commission for the Defence and Promotion of Human Rights (Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos, CMDPDH) joint statement: AMARC and human rights organisations concerned over loss of […]
Telecommunications secretariat launches 21 complaints against community radio stations
(AMARC/IFEX) – In a 7 April 2004 press conference, AMARC reacted to 21 complaints launched by the Telecommunications Sub-Secretariat (Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones, SUBTEL) against radio stations that may be operating “outside the legal framework.” The organisation proposed that the regulations governing radio transmission be revised and the way frequencies are allocated be changed. According to […]