Articles by World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC)

Community radio is approved in Brazil with restrictive legislation
(AMARC/IFEX) – On 27 January 1998, the Education Commission of the Brazilian Senate approved, without ammendments, the bill which will regulate community radio stations. The text was approved in the same form it arrived from the House of Congress. If it is maintained without any modifications in the plenary, it will be sent rapidly for […]

Inspectors close down community radio station
(AMARC/IFEX) – The Union of Broadcasting Networks for Democracry (UNIRR)/AMARC-Brasil reports that, on 14 January 1998, all of the equipment of community radio 98.5FM and documents of the Brazilian Association of Community Radio Stations (Abraco) were seized from their shared offices in Brasilia by representatives of the National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL). Accompanied by agents of […]

Community radio station ordered to close
(AMARC/IFEX) – Federal court judge Eloy Bernst Justo has ordered the closure of the four- month- old community radio station Sambaqui FM. The station broadcasts in Arroilo do Sal, a community of 7,500 people on the northern coast of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The town has no other communications media. The judge’s […]

Radio stations resume broadcasting
(AMARC/IFEX) – Judges in Argentina have ordered the return of equipment confiscated from the community radio stations FM Del Sol 98.1, FM Ilusiones 98.5 and four other stations after they found that there was no case against them. The radio stations resumed broadcasting on 14 October 1997. **Updates IFEX alert dated 5 September 1997** Background […]

Deportation order issued against Peruvian journalist Gustavo Gorriti
(AMARC/IFEX) – According to the Pulsar news agency, on 19 September 1997, Panama’s immigration department delivered a deportation order to Peruvian journalist Gustavo Gorriti, associate director of the opposition daily “La Prensa”, for being in the country illegally. After signing the order, Gorriti told journalists in the capital that he and his lawyers would launch […]

Political group issues threats to journalists and media outlets
On 26 June 1996, an underground right-wing political group sent a communique to several media outlets in San Salvador containing death threats directed at several journalists, priests and politicians who were accused of being behind a “frantic opposition” campaign against the government of President Armando Calderon Sol. The group, called the Fuerza Nacionalista Mayor Roberto […]

Documentary production company employee arrested; videotapes seized
Source: Videazimut, Montreal On 14 June 1996, Kim Dong-Won (m), a representative for the independent documentary production company Purn Production, and the film and video committee chairman of National Federation for Alternative Culture (NFAC), both based in Seoul, was arrested and charged with violating the Audio and Video Censorship Act. All videotapes and editing equipment […]

Three pirate radio stations raided; stations urge revision of press and communications legislation
Sources: AMARC-URUGUAY, Inter Press Service (IPS) news agency On the morning of 16 June 1996, the National Communications Agency (Direccion Nacional de Comunicaciones) raided three community radio stations (El Puente FM, FM Alternativa y Emisora de la Villa) operating illegally out of the living room and dining room of a private home, and out of […]