Articles by World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC)

Threats against politician’s radio station
Source: Associated Press (AP), Managua (reprinted by Editora Panama America, 10 June 1996) On 9 June 1996, businessman and Nicaraguan Resistance Party (PRN) President Fabio Gadea Mantilla told authorities that former Nicaraguan “contras” (anti-Sandinista resistance fighters) had, that morning, threatened to destroy his radio station, La Corporacion. According to Gadea Mantilla, the group which issued […]

FM Latinoamericana community radio station’s equipment stolen
In the early hours of 21 May 1996, unknown individuals stole audio equipment from the FM Latinoamericana radio station, a community radio station based in the Buenos Aires neighbourhood of Saavedra. As the station’s staff were getting ready to broadcast, they discovered the equipment was missing and that threats had been painted on the walls […]

Journalist Rodolfo F. Pena target of death threat
On 11 May 1996, an anonymous message containing death threats was discovered in the mailbox at the home of journalist Rodolfo F. Pena. It is suspected that the threat is connected to the work of Pena, who is a reporter for the daily “La Jornada” as well as part of the daily’s publishing group. This […]

Proposed anti-corruption legislation could restrict press freedom
Source: “El Claron”, Buenos Aires On 15 May 1996, Argentine President Carlos Menem introduced a bill to fight government corruption which would allow access to statements of the personal wealth of public officials. However, the bill could pose a threat to press freedom, since it calls for prison terms for those individuals who circulate that […]

Proposals to regulate community radio stations meets with criticism on both sides of issue
Source: Inter Press Service (IPS) The Brazilian government has presented a bill to the Brazilian Congress that would regulate community radio stations. The bill, introduced earlier this month, would limit informal radio transmitters to 10 watts and a range of 400 metres, and would require that broadcasters be officially licensed as well as have their […]

Harassment of community radio station
On the night of 5 April 1996, one of the loudspeakers of “La Radio Contigo” was shot at by unknown individuals. The station is based in San Miguel Xaltepec, Puebla, just east of Mexico City. Two weeks ago, “La Radio Contigo” conducted a live interview for two hours with two of the four candidates for […]