World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers

Articles by World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers

Link to: International press freedom groups call for release of journalist J.S. Tissainayagam

International press freedom groups call for release of journalist J.S. Tissainayagam

(International Press Freedom Mission to Sri Lanka /IFEX) – The following is statement by the International Press Freedom Mission to Sri Lanka, a group comprising six IFEX members and three other organisations: Amnesty International ARTICLE 19 Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) FreeVoice International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) International Media Support (IMS) International Press Institute (IPI) […]

Link to: Seventy journalists killed worldwide in 2008, according to WAN

Seventy journalists killed worldwide in 2008, according to WAN

(WAN/IFEX) – The following is an 11 February 2009 WAN press release: Paris, 11 February 2009 70 Journalists Killed Worldwide in 2008: WAN Seventy journalists and other media employees were killed worldwide because of their professional activities in 2008, with the conflict in Iraq continuing to be the most deadly assignment for journalists, the World […]

Link to: Press Freedom, World Review – June-December 2008

Press Freedom, World Review – June-December 2008

Press Freedom, World Review – June-December 2008

Link to: Newspaper could face criminal charges, have its registration withdrawn

Newspaper could face criminal charges, have its registration withdrawn

(WAN/IFEX) – The following is a 17 December 2008 WAN and World Editors Forum letter to Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko: Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko Office of the Prime Minister Kiev, Ukraine 17 December 2008 Dear Prime Minister, We are writing on behalf of the World Association of Newspapers and the World Editors Forum, which represent […]

Link to: WAN report presents growing list of abuses against freedom of expression

WAN report presents growing list of abuses against freedom of expression

(WAN/IFEX) – The following is a 15 December 2008 WAN press release: Beirut, Lebanon, 15 December 2008 Threats to Press Freedom Multiply Worldwide Attacks on journalists throughout the world – by organised crime groups in Latin America, autocratic regimes in the Middle East, repressive governments in Africa and by combatants in war zones – pose […]

Link to: Pakistani editor awarded WAN’s Golden Pen of Freedom

Pakistani editor awarded WAN’s Golden Pen of Freedom

(WAN/IFEX) – The following is a WAN press release: Pakistan Editor Awarded Golden Pen of Freedom Najaam Sethi, Editor-in-Chief of the Friday Times and Daily Times in Pakistan, has been awarded the 2009 Golden Pen of Freedom, the annual press freedom prize of the World Association of Newspapers. Mr Sethi, whose newspapers advocate liberal and […]

Link to: Saudi blogger, director of Syrian media center prevented from traveling to free press forum

Saudi blogger, director of Syrian media center prevented from traveling to free press forum

(WAN/IFEX) – The following is a WAN press release: Beirut, Lebanon, 11 December 2008 World’s Press Condemns Travel Restrictions on Arab Journalists Authorities in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Syria have prevented four Arab journalists and human rights activists from attending the Arab Free Press Forum, an annual gathering in Beirut, Lebanon, that examines how independent […]

Link to: Egyptian journalist wins Arab newspaper award

Egyptian journalist wins Arab newspaper award

(WAN/IFEX) – The following is a 2 December 2008 WAN press release: Egyptian Journalist Wins Arab Newspaper Award Ibrahim Essa, Editor-in-Chief of Al Dustour, the daily newspaper in Egypt, has been awarded the 2008 Gebran Tueni Award, the annual prize of the World Association of Newspapers that honours an editor or publisher in the Arab […]