World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers

Articles by World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers

Link to: Call for Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro to end censorship

Call for Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro to end censorship

The Board of WAN-IFRA is deeply alarmed by what is considered a historically dire situation for the press in Venezuela. The Board condemns the strategy of Nicolás Maduro’s government to intimidate and ultimately asphyxiate the independent media.


Soft Censorship, Hard Impact: Report warns of increasing threat to independent media

A new global report on “soft censorship” warns of increasing threats to independent media posed by official use of financial leverage and regulatory powers to influence reporting and the very viability of media outlets.

Link to: Journalism safety: A year in review

Journalism safety: A year in review

An overview of events in the past year that impacted on journalists’ safety highlights the need for reporters and editors, and their companies, to take steps to improve the protection of journalists covering potentially violent events.

WAN-IFRA is posting daily profiles of imprisoned journalists and calling for action,

#FreethePress: 30 days for freedom

Demand the release of jailed journalists worldwide in the lead up to World Press Freedom Day on 3 May. Join the Twitter campaign with the hashtag #FreethePress.

WAN-IFRA is posting daily profiles of imprisoned journalists and calling for action,

Campaign highlights plight of jailed journalists in lead up to World Press Freedom Day

The 30 Days for Freedom campaign highlights the plight of jailed journalists worldwide by focusing on 30 individuals currently imprisoned because of their work.

Link to: Financial incentives used to pressure media in Mexico, report finds

Financial incentives used to pressure media in Mexico, report finds

Press freedom in Mexico faces widespread and growing threats from “soft censorship” that includes government use of financial incentives and penalties to pressure news media, punish critical reporting, and reward favourable coverage, according to a new report released by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers.

Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf speaks during We Day at the Air Canada Centre on Friday, Sept. 20, 2013, in Toronto, Canada. , Arthur Mola/Invision/AP

Liberian government agrees to urgently address criminal defamation

At a meeting on 19 March, the Liberian Information Ministry agreed to coordinate the effort to finalise the draft bill that repeals criminal defamation, to be presented to Parliament no later than 15 May 2014.

Link to: New report urges U.K. government to uphold high standards of press freedom

New report urges U.K. government to uphold high standards of press freedom

“The lack of any real guarantees enshrining press freedom continues to expose journalism in the United Kingdom to great uncertainty, as there is nothing benign in a system that invites even the possibility of tighter restrictions on freedom of expression,” said World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers CEO, Vincent Peyrègne.