Articles by World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers

Critical paper shortage in Venezuela sparks regional support
Seeing the threat to press freedom in their neighbouring country, the Colombian Association of Newspaper and Media Editors (ANDIARIOS) started the initiative “WE ARE VENEZUELA, Without Press Freedom, There is No Democracy,” allowing Colombian newspapers to devote one page of their daily editions to news about Venezuela.

Chief Executive of Hong Kong urged to protect freedom of expression
After a series of increasingly violent events, IFEX members and supporters call on Chief Executive Leung Chun-Ying to take clear and deliberate steps to defend press freedom.

Violence against journalists in Ukraine demands international engagement
The International Partnership Mission on Safety and Protection of Journalists and Press Freedom in Ukraine, respectfully reminds the Ukraine government that it is the duty of the state to protect all citizens, including journalists, and to ensure that journalists and media organizations can carry out their duties without fear of violence or harassment.

One journalist killed, 27 others injured as Ukrainian protests ignite
Vyacheslav Veremyi’s death is a tragic outcome of the social unrest that has overtaken Ukraine since November 2013, when citizens began demonstrating against President Viktor Yanukovych’s decision not to sign EU trade agreements.

Rights groups call for charges against Moroccan editor Ali Anouzla to be dropped
Journalist and editor Ali Anouzla was arrested on 17 September 2013 in connection with a 13 September news article published on the Arabic edition of news website Lakome. Ahead of a Rabat court hearing scheduled on 18 February, local and international rights organisations came together to call for the charges against him to be dropped.

Press freedom groups call for immediate release of Ethiopia’s jailed journalists
In a letter to Prime Minster Hailemariam Desalegn, global press organisations called on the Ethiopian authorities to unconditionally release Eskinder Nega, and four other journalists: Solomon Kebede, Wubset
Taye, Reyot Alemu and Yusuf Getachew. All are serving jail sentences through the misuse of Ethiopia’s anti-terror legislation.

Ice Hockey Federation urged to denounce visa restrictions for journalists traveling to Belarus
In a letter addressed to the International Ice Hockey Federation, media freedom groups note that while reporters accredited to the event via the International Ice Hockey Federation system will not need a visa to enter Belarus, they will need to apply for a visa if they want to report on anything else while in the country.

Transparency, independent media are vital for global development plan
195 civil society organisations from around the world have called on the UN to put government accountability and independent media at the centre of a new framework for global development.