23-29 July 2021

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International | Access to Information


Why did development banks stay silent when people who spoke out about COVID-19 responses were attacked?


Global pandemic response falters as clients of worlds’ biggest banks silence medical workers, journalists and activists with impunity.


International | Attacks


NSO Group technology facilitates systemic abuse, civil society organizations warn


IFEX and IFEX-ALC join a number of civil society organizations and independent experts in expressing alarm at the media revelations that NSO Group’s spyware has been used to facilitate human rights violations around the world on a massive scale.


India | Attacks


Anatomy of the Pegasus spyware in India


SFLC.in chronicles the recent history of surveillance operations in India and its link to the Pegasus spyware issue. It asks the Indian government to clarify the relationship between security agencies and the Israeli NSO group.


Middle East & North Africa | Attacks


Rights groups demand an end to the sale of surveillance technology to MENA’s autocratic governments


The MENA Surveillance Coalition calls for an immediate moratorium on the use, acquisition, sale and transfer of surveillance technology used to target human rights defenders in the region.


Ghana | Access to Information


Ghana’s RTI Commission rules on its first ever petition


In a landmark decision Ghana’s Right to Information Commission ordered an information request by journalist Evans Aziamor-Mensah be granted at a cost of US$0.33 and not the US$1,000 initially quoted by the Minerals Commission.


Brazil | Attacks


Bolsonaro family vents more anger than ever on Brazil’s media


Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is continuing to analyse the attacks on the Brazilian media by President Bolsonaro, his family and other members of his inner circle. Supported by key statistics, this latest analysis covers the first six months of 2021, in which the attacks have intensified.


Turkey | Access to Information


New Turkey report: May and June saw increased police violence against reporters and 109 journalists stand trial


Expression Interrupted’s report shows that freedom of expression and the media continues to deteriorate in Turkey, despite an ongoing decline in the number of journalists in prison and government “reforms”.