Show your support for World Press Freedom Day by downloading and sharing WAN-IFRA's extensive package of materials in six languages.
3 May is World Press Freedom Day! IFEX member the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) has launched a special package of materials to help you celebrate and draw attention to this important day.
Using WAN’s materials, here are the 5 things you can do to draw attention to press freedom and its essential role in society:
- View and share provocative cartoons from some of the world’s leading artists, such as the one shown on the right;
- Watch the animation about journalists killed worldwide, so you can tweet to call on your government to sign the UN Action Plan on the Safety of journalists;
- Member of the media? Publish an exclusive editorial from WAN-IFRA along with infographics and a package of resources analysing the killing of journalists;
- Students and teachers can take advantage of resources for young readers to explore freedom of expression issues in class;
- Share on social media advertisements from Iris Worldwide like the one at the top of this page.
To see all of WAN-IFRA’s resources and materials, available in English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic and Russian, visit
Visit IFEX’s webpage for more information about World Press Freedom Day.

Baha Boukhari/WAN-IFRA/Cartooning for Peace