IFEX’s efforts are grounded in four guiding principles that reflect who we are and what we believe:
- Big thinking happens together: Our convenings bring people together in ways that generate fresh and honest thinking on the toughest issues our members face. We seek to build new connections across sectors and regions, fostering a broader and deeper engagement in defending the right to free expression.
- One size does not fit all: We explore unique approaches with each member organisation to find what will work best for a given situation – and learn as we go. These can include everything from putting members in similar situations in touch with each other, to advice and coaching, to sourcing specialists, identifying opportunities for training and fora for participation.
- We are in it for the long haul: In some countries, IFEX members have been subjected to years of pressure, including legal harassment, travel bans, mistreatment, forced exile, or imprisonment. Though we find little, if any, good news to report, we persist. We stick with our members through difficult situations and continue to advocate for and with them to ensure their work can continue.
- Relationships are the key: People are central to everything we do. We keep in frequent contact with our member organisations to discuss the current context and identify opportunities for collaboration.
Each year, through collaboration and innovation, IFEX members and the Secretariat find creative ways to defend and promote freedom of expression, strengthen the power of our network, and bring about real change.
Our 2020-2024 Strategic Plan sets out our network’s priorities and approach over the next 5 years. Learn more about our plan here.