IAPA concerned at plot to kill its president, Enrique Santos Calderón

This article is more than 15 years old

Recent articles in Colombia

“Voices Claiming Justice” initiative commemorates dozens of journalists murdered in Latin America

“[While] press freedom faces growing challenges in the region, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the defense of freedom of expression and the right of society to be informed” – IAPA

Colombian editor Estefanía Colmenares receives death threats after political exposé

Estefanía Colmenares received a threat from an unidentified person that said, “You are a military target. There’s a price on your head.”

Colombian journalist Luis Gabriel Pereira shot and killed in town of Ciénaga de Oro

Pereira, 25, founded the local news outlet ‘Notiorense; on Facebook this year. He published stories on crime and public security in Ciénaga de Oro, including articles about the recent killing of a woman that named her alleged killer.