Edwin Azaña Alejos said his bosses justified their actions partially by saying he "was inconvenient and annoying to several public authorities."
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 2 August 2010, Edwin Azaña Alejos, the editor of the daily “Correo” in the city of Chimbote, on Perú’s northern coast, said he was arbitrarily fired from his position by the newspaper company. He was told verbally and without any prior notice on 30 July that it would be his last day of work, even though he had a valid contract in place.
The journalist said his bosses justified their actions by saying that Azaña “was inconvenient and annoying to several public authorities,” but they also said the decision was based on the need to downsize.
Azaña pointed out that this took place just as he was completing an investigation into allegations that the Santa provincial municipality repeatedly favoured a construction company that may be financing the current mayor’s campaign for re-election.
The journalist filed a report about his dismissal with the Regional Work Department.
IPYS calls on “Correo” to reconsider its decision and awaits a ruling from the Regional Work Department.