A decision was made to restore the licence when it was realised that the government could be infringing on rights recognised by the American Convention on Human Rights.
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 19 August 2010, the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), via Ministerial Resolution number 384-2010-MTC/03, decided to restore Radio la Voz de Bagua’s signal, overriding a previous resolution that had resulted in the suspension of the station’s licence.
The decision was communicated by Prime Minister Javier Velásquez Quesquén and Transport and Communications Minister Enrique Cormejo to station owner Carlos Flores. Representatives of IPYS, the Peruvian Press Council and the National Journalists Association were also present during the announcement. The ministers remarked that a political decision had been made so that there could be no doubt about the Peruvian government’s respect for the right to freedom of expression.
According to the resolution, the government was faced with the possibility of violating or infringing on rights recognized by the American Convention on Human Rights, specifically those regarding freedom of expression. As a result, the authorities decide to restore Radio La Voz de Bagua’s licence, giving the station 60 days to address any administrative problems that may have arisen.
Roberto Pereira, the station’s lawyer, welcomed the resolution, deeming it a wise decision, in agreement with international standards regarding human rights and freedom of expression.
IPYS welcomes this decision which sets a positive precedent and bodes well for the future as regards respect for the right to free expression in the country.