(APG/IFEX) – The following is a 1 August 2001 APG press release: The Guatemalan Journalists Association (APG) is deeply angered over today’s attack on our colleagues, among them journalist Marvin Del Cid, member of Emisoras Unidas and other news agencies, and urges the Ministry of the Interior to ensure that the civilian security forces respect […]
(APG/IFEX) – The following is a 1 August 2001 APG press release:
The Guatemalan Journalists Association (APG) is deeply angered over today’s attack on our colleagues, among them journalist Marvin Del Cid, member of Emisoras Unidas and other news agencies, and urges the Ministry of the Interior to ensure that the civilian security forces respect social communicators’ right to carry out their function of reporting on what is occurring in the country.
The APG is in permanent session and will remain watchful to ensure that the state acts in accordance with Article 35 of the Guatemalan Constitution and Article 5 (Paragraph 1), which state:
Article 35. Freedom of expression of thought. Stipulates the free expression of thought through any medium, without any prior censorship or permission. This constitutionally sanctioned right cannot be restricted by any law or governmental order.
LAW ON THE EXPRESSION OF THOUGHT. Article 5 (Paragraph 1). Freedom of information is unconditional and journalists have the right to access all sources of information.
Guatemala, 1 August 2001