(IPYS/IFEX) – On 19 July 2005, Johan Pérez and Leidy Figueroa, members of the production team of community television station Catia TV, were attacked as they covered a march organised by the deans of several of the country’s public universities. The journalists were in the area known as La Hoyada, in downtown Caracas, when television […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 19 July 2005, Johan Pérez and Leidy Figueroa, members of the production team of community television station Catia TV, were attacked as they covered a march organised by the deans of several of the country’s public universities.
The journalists were in the area known as La Hoyada, in downtown Caracas, when television reporter Noé Pernía approached them shouting abuse and accused them of being spies for the government’s intelligence organisations.The community journalists were able to video-tape part of the attack and the insults.
Although the Catia TV team did not have any visible identification, they did have a letter identifying them as reporters for the station. Pernía paid no attention to the letter.
Pérez and Figueroa approached a Metropolitan Police agent who was at the site and asked him to intervene. Some of those participating in the march then approached and joined the fray, shouting abuse and throwing glasses, bottles and papers at the Catia TV journalists. Before leaving the area, Figueroa was kicked in the arm, which left her with a bruise.
That same afternoon, Pernía published an article on the website http://www.noticierodigital.com/, admitting what happened and reiterating his accusations against the Catia TV journalists.
Pérez and Figueroa filed a complaint with the Prosecutor General’s Office (Fiscalía) the same day. They also approached the National Union of Press Workers (Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa), the ombudsman’s office (Defensoría del Pueblo) and some of the media.
The representatives of several community media organisations called for a demonstration to be held in front of the Prosecutor General’s Office on 22 July, to demand effective action in view of the events.