(IPYS/IFEX) – On 6 September 2006, journalist Luis Crisólogo Espejo denounced being the victim of a number of threats by unidentified persons. According to the journalist, the harassment began on 28 August when a car with tinted windows sped towards him and continued on 5 September when he realized that he was being filmed from […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 6 September 2006, journalist Luis Crisólogo Espejo denounced being the victim of a number of threats by unidentified persons. According to the journalist, the harassment began on 28 August when a car with tinted windows sped towards him and continued on 5 September when he realized that he was being filmed from a parked van.
He stated that he has also received constant phone calls in which nobody speaks when he answers. Crisólogo edits the Channel 41 television program “Peridodismo Pilar de la Democracia” (“Journalism – A Pillar of Democracy”), in the city of Chimbote, in Santa province of northwestern Peru.
The journalist believes it possible that the threats stem from his criticisms of municipal officials.
He has filed a complaint with the city’s police.