(IPYS/IFEX) – On 15 May 2007, journalist Danilo Bautista Hernández, director of Radio California’s news programme “El informativo del Mediodía”, saved himself from being attacked by demonstrators belonging to the Front for the Defence of Nueva Cajamarca’s Interests (Frente de Defensa de los Intereses del distrito de Nueva Cajamarca ) by taking refuge for two […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 15 May 2007, journalist Danilo Bautista Hernández, director of Radio California’s news programme “El informativo del Mediodía”, saved himself from being attacked by demonstrators belonging to the Front for the Defence of Nueva Cajamarca’s Interests (Frente de Defensa de los Intereses del distrito de Nueva Cajamarca ) by taking refuge for two hours in the station’s premises. The demonstrators sought to attack him in reprisal for his comments about their protest against a public works contract signed by the mayor. The district of Nueva Cajamarca is located in the San Martín region of northeastern Perú.
The demonstrators awaited the journalist, carrying sticks and rocks. Bautista escaped through the building’s back door. According to several sources consulted by IPYS, that night, during a public meeting, some Front members agreed to murder him.
The journalist has asked for protection from the district government. His case will also be presented to the region’s Ombudsperson (Defensoría del Pueblo).