(IPYS/IFEX) – On 6 May 2008, América Televisión camera operator Fabricio Béjar Silva suffered a four centimeter-long cut in his left forearm inflicted by a man wielding a broken glass bottle. The assailant attacked the journalist in reprisal for covering the arrest of the alleged rapist of an English tourist. The event took place when […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 6 May 2008, América Televisión camera operator Fabricio Béjar Silva suffered a four centimeter-long cut in his left forearm inflicted by a man wielding a broken glass bottle. The assailant attacked the journalist in reprisal for covering the arrest of the alleged rapist of an English tourist. The event took place when police arrested the suspect in the area of Alto Misti, in the Miraflores district of the Arequipa region, in southwestern Peru.
The assailant, identified as Jorge Castillo Ramos, attempted to free the detained man, who allegedly is a member of a gang that raped and murdered another woman – an Israeli tourist – a crime that scandalized the public.
During the arrest, two other journalists were also attacked; Frecuencia Latina radio station correspondent José Luis Ordóñez and Canal N television station correspondent Carlos Torres were hit in the face by Gumersindo León Cutis, another of the men attempting to help the accused.
The police arrested both of the assailants and prepared a witness statement so that criminal charges can be filed against them.