Independent station goes off air without previous notice in Delta Amacuro On July 11, 2012 officers of the National Commission on Telecommunications of Venezuela (CONATEL in Spanish) along with military personnel closed the regional FM station “Tucupita Stereo” 95.9 FM. They said that it was allegedly operating illegally, although no previous notice was submitted. This […]
Independent station goes off air without previous notice in Delta Amacuro
On July 11, 2012 officers of the National Commission on
Telecommunications of Venezuela (CONATEL in Spanish) along with military
personnel closed the regional FM station “Tucupita Stereo” 95.9 FM. They
said that it was allegedly operating illegally, although no previous
notice was submitted. This happened in the city of Tucupita, state of
Delta Amacuro, 800 kms east of Caracas.
Edgar Domínguez, director of the station told IPYS-Venezuela that
“Tucupita Stereo” was on air since 2008 and since back them they
repeatedly submitted the documents corresponding to process the license
to broadcast from such institution, however said license was never
“Two months ago they came over to supervise us, but this time they just
showed up, without notice and even if we asked them to give us 15
minutes to go off the air, the military personnel removed the cables
aggressively and stripping us from the equipment we used to operate”,
Dominguez was quoted as saying.
The legal representative also said that such measure is taken because
the FM station had several programs in which people expressed their
complaints and problems. This did not please neither the local
government, nor the institution responsible for telecommunications.
Sin previo aviso cierran emisora independiente en Delta Amacuro
El 11 de julio de 2012, funcionarios de la Comisión Nacional de
Telecomunicaciones (Conatel) junto con efectivos militares cerraron la
regional “Tucupita Stereo” 95.9 FM por presuntamente operar de
forma ilegal, pero sin haber hecho notificación previa. El hecho ocurrió
en Tucupita, estado Delta Amacuro, al oriente del país.
Edgar Domínguez, director de la estación, informó a Ipys que “Tucupita
Stereo” funciona desde el año 2008, y desde esa época siempre
consignaron los documentos correspondientes ante el órgano oficial para
solicitar la licencia de transmisión, pero nunca se le concedió.
“Hace dos meses nos hicieron una supervisión, y esta vez, se
aparecieron sin avisarnos, y pese a que les solicitamos 15 minutos para
hacer el cierre al aire, los militares sacaron los cables de forma
agresiva, despojándonos de los equipos con los que operábamos”, señaló
El representante del medio de comunicación afirmó, además, que esta
medida obedece a que la emisora presentaba varios programas de opinión
donde la gente expresaba sus quejas y problemáticas, lo que no agradó a
las autoridades gubernamentales locales y tampoco al organismo encargado
de las telecomunicaciones.