(IPYS/IFEX) – On 25 June 2005, approximately eighty people burst into the offices of the daily “Diario La Costa” in Puerto Cabello, Carabobo State, attacking the paper’s staff over an article published that day. The article reported on a man who had died while trying to steal wire from electrical lines, according to information provided […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 25 June 2005, approximately eighty people burst into the offices of the daily “Diario La Costa” in Puerto Cabello, Carabobo State, attacking the paper’s staff over an article published that day. The article reported on a man who had died while trying to steal wire from electrical lines, according to information provided by the police.
The crowd, reportedly relatives and friends of the dead man, protested that he was not a criminal. They hit a secretary and several reporters, and threatened to kill news chief Gustavo Rizquez. The confrontation lasted two hours and was only brought under control when the Carabobo police intervened.
Rizquez told IPYS that he later filed a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office.
Some of the newspaper’s journalists have resolved to sign their articles with pseudonyms, to prevent any such retaliation.
Although “Diario La Costa” has agreed to offer the relatives a right of reply, the tension between the two sides continues.