Russia arrests WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich on espionage charges
“It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that Gershkovich’s arrest marks Russian authorities’ desire to keep foreign journalists away and stop their reporting on topics that are critical of the government or that unmask its abuses” – HRW

Haiti/France: Journalist sued for exposing sex abuse in Haiti soccer
The journalist, Romain Molina, documented abuses against underage players in the Haiti football federation under Jean-Bart’s leadership and supported survivors in Haiti and worldwide.

Uganda’s parliament passes severely punitive anti-LGBTQI+ law
Uganda’s parliament passes controversial law that will make it illegal to promote homosexuality, or even identify as gay. The bill also outlaws the “promotion of homosexuality,” effectively instituting a system of complete censorship on LGBT issues.

France should respect rights of protesters, investigate reports of police abuse
“French authorities should respect the rights of protesters. They should assess whether police tactics used are necessary and proportionate, investigate allegations of excessive use of force, and hold officers responsible for abuses to account” – HRW

Greece: UN expert report highlights targeting of civil society groups
With Greece facing intense international criticism over pushbacks and wider human rights concerns related to migration and asylum, the Greek government has moved to silence groups working to spotlight those abuses.

Artistic freedom under assault in Zimbabwe
Celebrated musician Winky D, who sings about the economic meltdown in Zimbabwe, is pulled off stage by police mid-show.

Egypt: Harsh sentences against rights activists
29 members of an independent rights group sentenced to between five years and life in prison for their peaceful activism.

Uganda’s parliament threatens to criminalize homosexuality
The risk for Uganda’s LGBTQI+ community escalates, following months of aggressive rhetoric against sexual and gender minorities resulting in the proposal of a new and more punitive law.

Nicaragua: UN Rights Council should renew Experts’ mandate
International monitoring is key due to repression, lack of judicial independence.

Bangladesh: Writer Mushtaq Ahmed dies after 9 months in custody
Mushtaq Ahmed was arrested in May 2020 for posting criticism of the government’s pandemic response on Facebook. His petitions for bail had been repeatedly denied.

Outed in Morocco: Trans people face harrowing experiences in an ongoing search for justice
As discriminatory laws and a failure to protect trans people from violence and harassment continue to plague the LGBTQI+ community in Morocco, Human Rights Watch offers an insightful glimpse at the vulnerability trans people experience in the Kingdom.

Syria: Detention, harassment in retaken areas
Active combat has ended in much of Syria, but nothing has changed in the way intelligence branches trample rights of perceived opponents of Assad’s rule.

Olympic officials should ensure reporters’ safety during June’s European Games in Belarus
In the past two years, the Belarusian authorities have filed a record number of criminal charges against journalists and bloggers, searched the offices of several news organisations, and generally tightened restrictions on speech.

Oppressing women with an app in Saudi Arabia
“Guardians” can use Absher to grant or deny permission for women and children to travel abroad and obtain a passport.