Human Rights Watch

Link to: Authorities urged to protect demonstrators from violence, guarantee rights to expression during gay pride march

Authorities urged to protect demonstrators from violence, guarantee rights to expression during gay pride march

“Instead of trying to obstruct the fundamental rights to freedom of assembly and expression, the police authorities should fulfill their obligation to protect the demonstrators,” said Human Rights Watch.

Link to: Human Rights Watch calls for release of unlawfully detained legal activists, relatives

Human Rights Watch calls for release of unlawfully detained legal activists, relatives

The detention of at least two lawyers appears to be linked to recent developments regarding the blind, self-taught legal activist Chen Guangcheng.

Link to: Dozens injured, arrested in Bidun crackdown

Dozens injured, arrested in Bidun crackdown

“The government should allow demonstrators to speak and assemble freely – as is their right,” said Human Rights Watch.

Link to: Detained critics released, other activists still being held

Detained critics released, other activists still being held

“The message to Saudi Arabia’s critics seems clear: Don’t speak out or you will stay behind bars until you have learned your lesson and can be released,” said Human Rights Watch.

Link to: Human Rights Watch releases report on human rights situation, including conditions for journalists

Human Rights Watch releases report on human rights situation, including conditions for journalists

The 102-page report calls on the government to protect the rights of vulnerable groups and amend laws that violate freedom of speech.

Link to: Information blackout won’t hide massacre, says Human Rights Watch

Information blackout won’t hide massacre, says Human Rights Watch

As security forces use live ammunition against protesters, internet services have been shut down and Libyans who give interviews to the media are being arrested.

Link to: Security forces fire on “Day of Anger” demonstrations

Security forces fire on “Day of Anger” demonstrations

“Using security forces and armed thugs to deny people the right to express their opposition to the government increasingly looks destined to fail,” noted Human Rights Watch.

Link to: Security guards open fire on protesters

Security guards open fire on protesters

“As a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Iraq must protect and promote freedom of expression and association, and the right to assemble peacefully,” said Human Rights Watch.

Link to: Authorities urged to halt deadly attacks on peaceful protesters

Authorities urged to halt deadly attacks on peaceful protesters

“Bahrain must protect and promote the right to life, freedom of expression and association, and the right to assemble peacefully,” Human Rights Watch said.

Link to: Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi and rights groups demand moratorium on executions

Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi and rights groups demand moratorium on executions

Tehran Prosecutor Abbas Ja’fari Dowlatabadi announced that the death sentences of two unnamed “administrators of obscene websites” had been sent to the Supreme Court for review.

Link to: Prison term for opposition leader

Prison term for opposition leader

Bernard Ntaganda was sentenced to four years in jail on charges of endangering national security, “divisionism” and attempting to organise demonstrations without authorisation.

Link to: Sixteen anti-corruption advocates interrogated; journalists harassed

Sixteen anti-corruption advocates interrogated; journalists harassed

A coalition of nongovernmental organisations and anti-corruption activists issued a statement questioning the reason behind a large disbursement of money to government officials just a few weeks before the elections.

Link to: Opposition leader faces prison for conviction violating free speech rights

Opposition leader faces prison for conviction violating free speech rights

Chee Soon Juan, secretary-general of the Singapore Democratic Party, has been convicted of “making an address in a public place without a licence”.

Link to: Protesters, journalists targeted during peaceful demonstration in support of Egypt protests

Protesters, journalists targeted during peaceful demonstration in support of Egypt protests

Palmedia journalist Ibrahim Hammad was dragged away while filming the demonstration with his video camera.

Link to: Human Rights Watch researcher, other activists, detained in Cairo

Human Rights Watch researcher, other activists, detained in Cairo

Researcher Daniel Williams was one of several international and Egyptian human rights activists picked up in a raid on the Hisham Mubarak Law Center.

Link to: Lifting ban on activist group a positive step, says Human Rights Watch

Lifting ban on activist group a positive step, says Human Rights Watch

The ban on the Forum for the Strengthening of Civil Society was lifted after the government responded positively to the group’s efforts to reengage in dialogue.