IFEX Latin American & Caribbean Alliance

IFEX-ALC urges Uruguayan parliament not to repeal media law

The bill under discussion, if passed, could seriously affect freedom of expression and result in a direct departure by the Uruguayan state from its international human rights commitments.

Human Rights Organizations demand immediate freedom for Cuban artists Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara and Maykel Castillo Pérez, who face persecution due to their pro-democracy activities

Over a dozen human and civil rights organizations have called for the immediate release of Cuban artists Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara and Maykel “Osorbo” Pérez, who stood trial on May 30 and 31 on trumped-up charges and have been detained since the summer of 2021.

Organisations express indignation and deep sorrow at the murder of Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira

We stand in solidarity, first of all, with the families and loved ones of the most recent victims of Brazil’s escalating violence. We know our sorrow will not be enough to lessen the pain, and we stand with you in the pursuit of justice and reparations.

International Cooperation Bill in Venezuela replicates trend to restrict the civic space in Latin America

Regional networks Al Sur; Alianza Regional por la Libre Expresión e Información; IFEX-ALC and Voces del Sur reject the International Cooperation Bill currently under discussion in the National Assembly in Venezuela as it poses a risk to the existence of social and civil organizations in the country by undermining the right to freedom of association.

Nicaragua: The 46/2 Collective welcomes experts who will investigate serious human rights violations

On May 24, the United Nations Human Rights Council elected those who will make up the “Group of Experts on Human Rights” which will investigate and promote accountability for the serious human rights violations committed since 2018.

International organisations condemn conviction of independent journalists, members of the Violeta Barrios de Chamorro Foundation and La Prensa in Nicaragua

We condemn the judicial farce taking place in Nicaragua by which Judge Luden Martín Quiroz in the Ninth Criminal District Court of Managua has sentenced independent journalists and workers for the now-defunct Violeta Barrios de Chamorro Foundation (FVBCH) to between 7 and 14 years in prison.

Nicaragua flouts landmark UN resolution: Human Rights Council must seek accountability for gross violations

Civil society organisations have published an assessment detailing the wilful inaction of the State of Nicaragua, which has failed to address gross human rights violations as urged by the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) resolution 46/2.

Organisations call on Nicaraguan government to immediately free detained journalists

IFEX-ALC and other rights groups condemn the Nicaraguan government’s many attempts to threaten and silence the country’s independent press, and stress that respect for the right to freedom of expression and information is crucial for the functioning of democratic societies.

International civil society warns about the dangers to the exercise of rights of the bill to regulate digital platforms presented in Chile

The Digital Platforms Regulation Bill Nº 14.561-19, which is being discussed in the Chilean Congress, establishes rules that end up being dangerous for the exercise of fundamental rights on the internet.

Organisations call on Nicaraguan government to provide guarantees for freedom of independent press

We reiterate our solidarity and support for Nicaraguan media outlets and journalists, including those in exile, as they continue to carry out their work of providing information to the country’s citizens, and call on the Nicaraguan authorities to provide guarantees for press freedom.

IFEX-ALC expresses solidarity with journalist Roberto Deniz and the Armando.info web portal

IFEX-ALC expresses its solidarity with Roberto Deniz and the Armando.info investigative journalism portal, as both are being subjected to harassment and judicial persecution.

Cuba: Writers and artists remain threatened and imprisoned two months after protests

In the two months since historic mass demonstrations swept through Cuba on July 11, drawing national and international attention to the island’s deteriorating sociopolitical conditions, there have been at least 39 documented arrests of artists related to the protests, four of whom were subjected to trial without a jury.

International organisations reiterate concern over the Cuban government’s repressive response one month after the July 11 protests

One month after the massive protests in Cuba on July 11, we as human rights organizations reiterate our concern over the government’s repressive response. This response has resulted in serious human rights violations against protestors and further polarization among different segments of the population. It has also made dialogue and openness to listening to and addressing social demands impossible once again.

International community called on to unite in defending freedom of expression, press freedom in Nicaragua

In the face of escalating repression and the systematic persecution of the independent press and dissident voices, we the undersigned organizations, call on the international community to speak up in defense of press freedom and freedom of expression in Nicaragua, to condemn the ongoing violations of these rights, and to appeal for the restoration of conditions to allow free, fair and transparent elections to take place. In addition, we call on the Nicaraguan authorities to respect the right to freedom of expression and to provide guarantees for press freedom.

Independent media and organisations call on the Cuban government to respect the right to demonstrate and freedom of expression and to halt violence against demonstrators

The undersigned organisations condemn the Cuban government’s repression of the citizen protests registered since 11 July 2021 and which continue to date.