Help break the chain – don’t become a channel for disinformation!
This year, on the International Day for Universal Access to Information, IFEX-ALC wants to encourage all generations to use their hard-earned wisdom to engage wisely with information discovered through social media platforms and messaging services.

El Salvador: Organizations express concern about the increase in digital violence against Women Human Rights Defenders
IFEX-ALC joins over 100 organizations in warning that the El Salvador government’s measures to tackle COVID-19 have created a violent and hostile environment that hinders the work of Women Human Rights Defenders.

IFEX-ALC condemns criminalisation of free expression in Puerto Rico, calls on government to repeal “fake news” laws
IFEX-ALC, along with its member organisations Fundamedios and the Association of Caribbean Media Workers (ACM), demand the elimination of laws penalising the dissemination of information that the Puerto Rican government could classify as “fake news”. The laws allow for fines of USD $5,000 and up to three years in jail for those accused of publicising “fake news” items. Laws such as these set a dangerous precedent for free expression in the Americas.

International support for petition to declare Cuba’s Decree-Law 370 unconstitutional
The undersigned organizations and media outlets support the petition and urge allies to demand that the Cuban government put an immediate stop to online surveillance of individuals who express their opinions and cease persecuting journalists and human rights activists.

IFEX-ALC condemns obstruction of information rights, journalism activities in Brazil
IFEX-ALC, along with its Brazilian member organisations, ABRAJI and ARTIGO 19 (ARTICLE 19), condemn this abuse of power perpetrated by the highest levels of the Brazilian federal government—in particular the attempt to obstruct information rights and journalism activities, which conceals information of vital importance to the public.

IFEX-ALC rejects impending legislative setbacks in Uruguay
IFEX-ALC rejects the content of a draft Law of Urgent Consideration brought forward by the current Uruguayan government. If approved with its current wording, it will imply serious setbacks for the country, with regard to human rights, and a violation of international conventions to which Uruguay adhered through parliamentary ratification.

Joint Statement on Cuban Decree 370 and Limits On Freedom of Expression
The undersigned civil society organizations express our profound concern and condemnation of the persecution against independent journalists and civil society actors in Cuba. This persecution has increased since the beginning of the year, particularly during the health crisis resulting from the coronavirus pandemic.

IFEX-ALC condemns arrest of journalist Darvinson Rojas, calls for his release
We, the member organisations of the IFEX-ALC network, condemn the arrest of journalist Darvinson Rojas in retaliation for his publication of information regarding COVID-19 infection cases in the Venezuelan state of Miranda. We call for his immediate release and for the charges against him to be dropped.

IFEX-ALC condemns actions against public radio station in Ecuador
IFEX-ALC condemns the actions initiated on 23 January 2020 by the Ecuadoran Telecommunications Regulation and Control Agency (Agencia de Regulación y Control de las Telecomunicaciones, Arcotel) aimed at taking Radio Pichincha Universal, a public radio station, off the air.

IFEX-ALC condemns Venezuela’s refusal to allow visit by IACHR
Blocking the IACHR’s entry to the country denies victims the opportunity to be heard and seek justice.

IFEX-ALC condemns attacks on journalists in Bolivia
The 24 member organisations of the IFEX-ALC network condemn the threats, harassment, attacks and censorship being perpetrated against media outlets and journalists in Bolivia within the context of the country’s current political crisis.

IFEX-ALC condemns repressive actions against journalists in Ecuador
IFEX-ALC condemns the threats, attacks, harassment and censorship being perpetrated against media outlets and journalists in Ecuador, as well as the repression of citizens who have taken to the streets to express their discontent with economic measures announced by President Lenín Moreno.

Civil society groups concerned about Nicaraguan state’s rejection of recommendations for free expression
Civil society groups issued a statement on the adoption of the Working Group Report for the Universal Periodic Review of Nicaragua and the government’s rejection of numerous recommendations regarding freedom of expression.

Alternative Report on the freedom of expression situation in Nicaragua
The FVBCH, IFEX-ALC and IAPA have submitted an Alternative Report on the freedom of expression situation in Nicaragua to the United Nations Human Rights Committee

IFEX-ALC condemns repression and legal initiatives that undermine freedom of expression in Honduras
We, the 24 member organisations of the IFEX-ALC network, who work to defend freedom of expression and press freedom in 14 Latin American and Caribbean countries and who form part of the broader IFEX network that defends and promotes free expression worldwide, express our deep concern over the freedom of expression situation in Honduras.

IFEX-ALC calls on OAS member states to elect commissioners who meet all the requirements of the position
In the upcoming OAS General Assembly, scheduled to take place on 26 to 28 June, four new commissioners will be elected to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). IFEX-ALC members call on the governments of the OAS member states to elect candidates who meet all the requirements for the position of commissioner.