IFEX Latin American & Caribbean Alliance

Link to: IFEX-ALC calls on Honduras to uphold commitments it made by accepting the recommendations of the United Nations Human Rights Council

IFEX-ALC calls on Honduras to uphold commitments it made by accepting the recommendations of the United Nations Human Rights Council

IFEX-ALC reiterates its willingness to assist in any way possible so that the Honduran government can uphold its commitments and fully implement the recommendations.

Link to: Freedom of expression still in decline despite government’s promises to the United Nations

Freedom of expression still in decline despite government’s promises to the United Nations

IFEX-ALC calls on the Honduran government to uphold the commitments it made regarding the fight against impunity and the defense of the right to free expression in the country.

Link to: IFEX-ALC launches guide on best practices for monitoring and documenting attacks on free expression

IFEX-ALC launches guide on best practices for monitoring and documenting attacks on free expression

The guide outlines a number of crucial steps to standardise monitoring, investigating, analysing and documenting free expression violations in the region.