IFEX Secretariat

Defending the safety of journalists and the integrity of elections

On the 2023 International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, UNESCO’s theme is “Violence against journalists, the integrity of elections, and the role of public leadership” — and IFEX has something to say about that!

Q&A: Confronting media challenges in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan

Marking the second anniversary of the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, IFEX spoke to the Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC) about press freedom and the safety of journalists in the country, and steps the organisation is taking to safeguard access to information.

An Important IFEX Update: Change is in the air!

After 16 years leading the IFEX network, Annie Game is stepping down at the end of 2022. The IFEX Council recognizes the profound contributions of Ms. Game, and warmly welcomes Deputy Executive Director Rachael Kay as the network’s incoming Executive Director.

Emin Huseynov, Chair of IRFS, Onnik Krikorian

The case of Emin Huseynov: Calling on Azerbaijan’s first lady

“Over the last decade, he has advocated for hundreds of journalists, bloggers and free speech activists under threat in Azerbaijan and across the region. Over the last six months however, Emin has been unable to continue this important work.”

Peter Greste, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed (L to R) listen to a ruling at a court in Cairo, 23 June 2014, REUTERS/Asmaa Waguih

Conviction of Al Jazeera journalists a dark day for media freedom in Egypt

Less than a month after the election of Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as Egypt’s new president, IFEX members respond with outrage to today’s widely-condemned sentencing of three Al Jazeera journalists in Egypt.