International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)

Journalists wearing protective suits as a preventive measure against the spread of Covid-19, at the Mugda Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 10 April 2021, Piyas Biswas/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

South Asia press freedom report: “Truth in a time of contagion”

The report documented more than 180 press freedom violations, including 27 journalist killings, 1 death in custody, 58 journalist arrests or detentions, and 52 violations of minority, regional and rural journalists across South Asia.

Police direct people at a temporary COVID-19 testing facility in a red zone, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 24 April 2021, Andy Ball/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

Journalists demand access to ‘red zones’ in Cambodia

Several media groups in Cambodia are urging authorities to restore their right to access the country’s COVID-19 ‘red zones’. They argued that the current restrictions are preventing them from fulfilling their duty of providing the public with adequate information about the pandemic.

Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) producer Bao Choy Yuk-ling (C) speaks to the press at the West Kowloon Courts building, in Hong Kong, 22 April 2021, ANTHONY WALLACE/AFP via Getty Images

Hong Kong: RTHK documentary producer convicted and fined

Hong Kong media groups said the conviction of journalist Bao Choy Yuk Ling, who accessed a government database for an investigative report regarding a mob attack against protesters in 2019, could have a chilling effect on the industry.

People wearing masks symbolising the silencing of dissent, stage a demonstration to protest against the military coup, Yangon, Myanmar, 4 April 2021, Stringer/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Myanmar: “I’m scared, but will not surrender…”

Journalists in Myanmar have put their lives at risk to tell the stories of protestors, doctors, nurses and citizens impacted by the military coup, writes Phil Thornton.

Crimea, 16 March 2021. A law enforcement officer with a service dog searches the car of Vladislav Yesypenko, allegedly detained on suspicion of spying for Ukraine. Still image taken from video provided by a third party. Russian Federal Security Service/TASS via Getty Images

Crimea: Press groups call for immediate release of tortured journalist Vladislav Yesypenko

Yesypenko is detained and accused of “illegal production, repair, or modification of firearms” and “espionage” for Ukrainian intelligence. His lawyer said the journalist had been tortured with electric shocks and beatings in order to obtain a confession.

Members of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) take part in a demonstration on World Press Freedom Day, Islamabad, Pakistan, 3 May 2017, AAMIR QURESHI/AFP via Getty Images

Pakistan: PFUJ Secretary General receives death threat

Rana Muhammad Azeem, secretary general of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists, has received a death threat from a gangster after exposing a mafia network in a recent TV talk-show broadcast on “92 News Channel”.

Front page of the "Samoa Observer", 20 March 2014, Bradford Timeline/Flickr, Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Attorney General attacks “Samoa Observer”

The International Federation of Journalists expresses solidarity with journalists and their sources in Samoa who are being subject to legal threats and investigations that seek to prevent them from reporting on the truth.

Belsat TV journalists Catarina Andreeva (R) and Darja Chulcova (L), who were detained in November while reporting on anti-government protests, embrace each other in a defendants' cage before the start of their trial, Minsk, Belarus, 9 February 2021, STRINGER/AFP via Getty Images

Belarus: Two journalists handed two-year prison sentences simply for doing their jobs

Catarina Andreeva and Darja Chulcova, two journalists for Belsat, were each sentenced on 18 February to two years in prison for reporting live from an anti-government rally in Minsk in November.

Student activists protest against the Digital Security Act and the arrests of Kishore and Mushtaq, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 13 February 2021, Md. Mir Hossen Roney/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images

Bangladesh: Three journalists charged under Digital Security Act

Photographer Shafiqul Islam Kajol, cartoonist Ahmed Kabir Kishore, and writer Mushtaq Ahmed have been charged under the Digital Security Act, a law which has been regularly used by authorities to silence criticism.

A man wearing a face mask reads a copy of the "Myanmar Times" paper with the headline 'State of Emergency', in Yangon, Myanmar, 2 February 2021, Aung Kyaw Htet/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

IFJ Asia-Pacific members condemn attack on Myanmar democracy and press freedom

The International Federation of Journalists and its Asia-Pacific affiliates called on Myanmar’s military to allow the full and free functioning of the media and to urgently lift controls that are impeding the media’s duty to inform the public.

Members of the Dhaka University Journalism Division form a human chain during a demonstration to protest against the killing of Humayun Kabir Balu, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 7 July 2004, STR/AFP via Getty Images

Bangladesh: Journalist’s killers sentenced to life in prison

Five men have been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of journalist Humayun Kabir Balu, sixteen years after he was killed in a targeted explosion in Khulna in 2004. He was the editor of “Dainik Janmabhumi” and a former president of the Khulna Press Club.

Afghanistan: Prominent freelance journalist Rahmatullah Nikzad assassinated

Reporter Rahmatullah Nikzad was killed in Ghazni province by unknown assailants on 21 December. He is the third media worker to be killed in Afghanistan this month.

Israeli impunity: Seeking justice over Israel’s targeting of Palestinian journalists

Complaints submitted to the United Nations by the International Federation of Journalists and the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate allege that under a shroud of impunity, Israel has used lethal force in its systematic targeting of journalists working in Palestine, and failed to investigate killings of media workers.

IFJ calls on Indian government to end impunity for crimes against journalists

The International Federation of Journalists has sent a letter to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi calling on the government to take swift action to improve the state of impunity in India. According to IFJ monitoring, 55 journalists have been killed since 2010 in India.

Press conference by the international mission, Mexico City, 6 November 2019, Photo credit: CENCOS

Mexico: Setbacks to freedom of expression in 2020

One year after an International Mission to Mexico, the government has failed to fulfil its commitments, and the freedom of expression situation in the country is worsening.

South Asia: Fourteen murders in 2020, impunity rife

Based on the monitoring of the International Federation of Journalists, the toll includes seven murdered Pakistani journalists, three in Afghanistan, three in India, and one in Bangladesh.