International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)

HKJA chairman Chris Yeung (C) walks past a letter (back R) from the group displayed outside the China's Liaison Office building in Hong Kong on 16 May 2018, after a journalist was arrested and left injured while trying to interview a human rights lawyer in Beijing, ANTHONY WALLACE/AFP/Getty Images

Hong Kong journalists attacked and detained in Beijing

Non-uniformed police attacked several Hong Kong-based journalists who were trying to interview a human rights lawyer in Beijing.

An Indian photojournalist lights a candle during a vigil for ten Afghan journalists who were killed in a targeted suicide bombing and on the eve of World Press Freedom Day in Kolkata, 2 May 2018, DIBYANGSHU SARKAR/AFP/Getty Images

Clampdowns and courage: The challenge for South Asia’s media

The report documents the state of press freedom across South Asia.

Remnants of the petrol bomb that was hurled at Patricia Mukhim's home. , Facebook/Patricia Mukhim

India: Petrol bomb hurled at residence of newspaper editor Patricia Mukhim

RSF condemns the attack as an attempt to intimidate the editor, who had recently written about unregulated limestone mining and the culture of violence and impunity in northeast India

An journalist holds a placard during a protest near the Indian parliament sparked by outrage over the murder of Sandeep Sharma, in New Delhi, 27 March 2018, SAJJAD HUSSAIN/AFP/Getty Images

India: Two journalists killed in 24 hours

Sandeep Sharma and Naveen Nishchal were both killed in separate vehicle incidents.

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France, 16 November 2016, Mateusz Wlodarczyk/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Turkey should implement ECtHR ruling and release journalists Mehmet Altan and Şahin Alpay

The Court found that the journalists’ rights to liberty, security and free expression had been violated and that the two men should be released.

Shaswar Abdulwahid, owner of NRT Channel and a campaigner for the 'No' vote in the 2017 Kurdish independence referendum, casts his ballot at a polling station in Sulaimaniyah, 25 September 2017, SHWAN MOHAMMED/AFP/Getty Images

IFJ and its affiliate the Kurdistan Journalists Union (KJS) call for press freedom ahead of Iraqi elections

“We call on the Iraqi authorities to investigate these attacks against the press and respect the right of journalists to report freely and safely,” said IFJ.

Police arrest a man at a protest appealing for the release of jailed opposition leaders in the Maldives capital Male, 2 March 2018, AHMED SHURAU/AFP/Getty Images

Journalists arrested in continuing crackdown in the Maldives

Journalists from the opposition TV channel Raajje TV were arrested for protest coverage.

Journalists read newspapers with reports about the killing of a North Korean man outside the Kuala Lumpur Hospital, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17 February 2017, MOHD RASFAN/AFP/Getty Images

Malaysia: Crippling laws must be repealed immediately

The Malaysian government needs to take immediate steps to repeal legislation that is crippling the media.

Finnish Minister of Finance Jutta Urpilainen speaks to media in Wroclaw, Poland, on 17 September 2011 , ADAM NURKIEWICZ/AFP/Getty Images

Unions at forefront of fight for equality as employers fail to address violence facing women journalists

A new survey shows IFJ affiliates at the forefront of a drive to tackle gender-based violence and harassment at work.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico (3rdL) and his team attend a meeting with RSF General Secretary Christophe Deloire (3rdR), OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Desir (2ndR) and human rights activist Fultura Kusari (R) in Bratislava, 2 March 2018, to discuss the investigation of Jan Kuciak's murder, VLADIMIR SIMICEK/AFP/Getty Images

On heels of Slovakia and Malta murders, European Commission urged to take the lead to protect journalists

In a joint open letter to Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, organisations urge EC officials to ensure that police investigations are full, thorough and independent in Slovakia and Malta.

A Central Industrial Security Force guard stands outside the office of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in New Delhi, India, 12 January 2016, MONEY SHARMA/AFP/Getty Images

Kashmiri photojournalist Kamran Yousuf detained for several months in India

The photojournalist was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy and instigating stone pelting at security personnel.

A Maldives soldier stands guard outside the president's residence in Male, 8 February 2018, Contributor/AFP/Getty Images)

Press freedom watchdogs urge Maldivian authorities to respect media rights

The media in Maldives are enduring “unprecedented restrictions” as the country continues to be under a state of emergency.

A video journalists runs while taking cover behind a wall amid fighting in the region of Altun Kupri, about 50 km from Arbil, the capital of autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan, 20 October 2017, MARWAN IBRAHIM/AFP/Getty Images

Iraqi Kurdistan: The IFJ warns about media freedom violations in the region

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has denounced the multiple media freedom violations in the Iraqi Kurdistan region, documented in a new report by IFJ affiliate the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate.

A journalist takes a video in front of a map of Beijing and Heibei province during a tour arranged by the press center for the 19th Communist Party Congress at an exhibition center in China's Hebei province, 22 October 2017, WANG ZHAO/AFP/Getty Images

A Decade of Decline: IFJ launches 10th China Press Freedom Report

From the optimism and hope for China leading up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics, where a more free and open media was promised by China’s leaders to the world, the IFJ reports that reality on the ground is harshly different, with a continuing and disturbing decline in media freedoms in both Mainland China and Hong Kong.

The Bangladesh 330-seat Parliament or Jatiya Sangsad, one of the largest legislative complexes in the world, is pictured in Dhaka, 13 January 1994, MUFTY MUNIR/AFP/Getty Images

Bangladesh drafts draconian Digital Security Act

The bill proposes life sentences for spreading negative propaganda against the Liberation War or the Father of the Nation.