Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)

Articles by Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)

MFWA demands release of abducted Burkinabé journalist

Just days after the Superior Council for Communication (CSC) suspended “L’Évènement”, Atiana Serge Oulon, editor-in-chief of the paper, was abducted from his home.

Media freedom in danger in Niger

Nigerien authorities have criminalised journalism through an amendment to the cybercrime law, reversing the previous government’s 2022 decision to replace prison sentences with fines.

Guinean authorities urged to act against threats

Sékou Jamal Pendessa faces escalating harassment due to his activism against media repression under the current military regime.

Malian authorities take exception to university lecturer’s book

Dr Etienne Fakaba Sissoko is hit with a 2-year sentence and hefty fine for his critical observations of the military government’s rule.

Guinea’s media hit by suspension and censorship

The Media Foundation for West Africa urges Guinea’s media regulatory body to exhibit more tolerance towards the media.

Crackdown in Niger intensifies

Nigerien authorities are disregarding press laws and arbitrarily arresting journalists instead.

Media accreditation for Togolese elections restricted, French journalist expelled

French journalist Thomas Pierre Dietrich, handed a six-month suspended prison sentence, expelled from the country and banned from re-entering.

Burkina Faso suspends several media outlets

Foreign media outlets accused of tarnishing the image of the Burkinabè army for their amplification of a Human Rights Watch report on atrocities by the militia against communities in the north and north-east.