(IPYS/IFEX) – On 16 July 2002, members of the Chamber of Deputies’ Interior Commission (Comision de Régimen Interno) unanimously voted to prohibit the press from accessing the cafeteria and hallways of the National Congress. The decision was made immediately after media, notably television stations, reported on the government’s failure to pass a draft law. The […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 16 July 2002, members of the Chamber of Deputies’ Interior Commission (Comision de Régimen Interno) unanimously voted to prohibit the press from accessing the cafeteria and hallways of the National Congress.
The decision was made immediately after media, notably television stations, reported on the government’s failure to pass a draft law. The government marked the law urgent in order to have it passed quickly in Parliament – as it had done with the National Fund for the Development of Culture (Institucionalidad Cultural y Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo de la Cultura) – because several deputies were absent at the time. Many deputies did not attend the vote and could be found instead in the hallways and cafeteria. When they returned to Congress it was too late to vote.
Other restrictions that were approved during the commission’s session further limit non-accredited journalists’ access to the corridors of power. These journalists must apply two weeks in advance in order to receive approval to cover the Chamber’s activities. Moreover, instead of simply showing their identity card, they must present a letter, signed by the editor of the media where they work, which must clearly indicate how long they are accredited for and what they will be reporting on.
Journalists who are accredited to cover parliamentary sessions have rejected the commission’s decision.
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities:
– calling on them to revoke these restrictions on the press
Appeals To
Adriana Muñoz
Chamber of Deputies President
President of the Chamber of Deputies’ Interior Commission
E-mail: amunoz@congreso.cl
Jua Pablo Letelier
Chamber of Deputies Vice-President
Member of the Chamber of Deputies’ Interior Commission
E-mail: jpleteli@congreso.cl
Edmundo Salas
Chamber of Deputies Vice-President
Member of the Chamber of Deputies’ Interior Commission
E-mail: esalas@congreso.cl
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.