(IPYS/IFEX) – Since the beginning of October 2006, Radio Galeón radio station journalist Camilo Munive Aya and Vany Johan Sierra, a journalist who works for both “Hoy Diario del Magdalena” newspaper and Radio Fuego Estéreo radio station, have been receiving telephoned death threats from members of a demobilised paramilitary group calling itself “Las Águilas Negras”. […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – Since the beginning of October 2006, Radio Galeón radio station journalist Camilo Munive Aya and Vany Johan Sierra, a journalist who works for both “Hoy Diario del Magdalena” newspaper and Radio Fuego Estéreo radio station, have been receiving telephoned death threats from members of a demobilised paramilitary group calling itself “Las Águilas Negras”. The callers have warned the two journalists to stop criticizing crime in Ciénaga, a city in Magdalena department in the country’s north.
Munive has received over 10 threats in October. The first was made on 5 October. The last, made on 16 October, warned him that the callers would murder him or a member of his family if he continued to report on urban crime. The journalist has been under police protection since 12 October.
Sierra was threatened on 13 October after publicly condemning the paramilitary’s threats against Munive. The callers told Sierra that they were tracking his movements and those of his family members.
The local police are conducting an investigation to identify the source of the threats.