Human rights defenders, media professionals attend second regional conference on freedom of expression

This article is more than 14 years old

Recent articles in Americas

Mexico: IPI condemns killing of journalist Víctor Alonso Morales Culebro

International civil society organization Article 19, which reported his death, believes recent articles by Morales Culebro could have put him at risk.

Argentina: We condemn the alarming closure of civic space

IFEX-ALC, Alianza Regional por la Libre Expresión e Información [the Regional Alliance for Free Expression and Information], and Red Voces del Sur [the Voices of the South network]- three regional networks defending freedom of expression and press freedom– express our concern over the closure of civic space in Argentina as a consequence of the subjugation of freedom of information, expression, press, demonstration and peaceful assembly promoted by the current administration.

Who will cover Venezuela’s elections as press freedom disintegrates under Maduro’s regime?

“RSF urges the country’s authorities to allow local and foreign journalists to cover the election, which will never be democratic without respect for the right to reliable information.”