Gender and Sexual Diversity

All of our free expression rights and realities are gendered, reflecting global themes of inequality and intolerance for diversity.

865 articles
Link to: Confronting Taboos and Censorship: Women Speaking Out

Confronting Taboos and Censorship: Women Speaking Out

Confronting Taboos and Censorship: Women Speaking Out

Link to: Impunity in radio station director’s murder opens way for new wave of violence against women journalists

Impunity in radio station director’s murder opens way for new wave of violence against women journalists

(RSF/IFEX) – Reporters Without Borders is outraged by the failure to punish the murder of Zakia Zaki, the director of Sada-e-Solh (Peace Radio), exactly one year ago. Her husband tells the organisation there has been no progress in the official investigation, probably because of pressure from those who ordered her murder. Zaki was shot in […]

Link to: Suspended female MP continues to face harassment, threats over outspoken criticism of warlords

Suspended female MP continues to face harassment, threats over outspoken criticism of warlords

(HRW/IFEX) – The following is a 20 May 2008 Human Rights Watch press release: Afghanistan: Reinstate Malalai Joya in Parliament Suspension of Female MP One Year Ago Is Setback for Democracy (New York, May 21, 2008) – One year after her illegal suspension, the Afghan parliament should reinstate Malalai Joya to office, Human Rights Watch […]

Link to: Woman journalist shot dead outside her home in Mosul

Woman journalist shot dead outside her home in Mosul

(RSF/IFEX) – Reporters Without Borders is shocked by the murder of freelance journalist Sirwa Abdel Wahab on 4 May 2008 in Mosul, 400 km north of Baghdad. Her death brings to 212 the number of journalists and media assistants killed in Iraq since the start of the war in March 2003. Twenty-five of them have […]

Link to: Government raids outspoken gay rights group in pattern of harassment

Government raids outspoken gay rights group in pattern of harassment

(HRW/IFEX) – The following is a 16 April 2008 Human Rights Watch press release: Turkey: End Harassment of Gay Rights Groups (Istanbul, April 16, 2008) – A police raid on a Turkish human rights organization is the latest incident in an escalating pattern of harassment of gay rights groups, Human Rights Watch said today. In […]

Link to: Government urged to protect newspaper editor and her children who have been receiving threats

Government urged to protect newspaper editor and her children who have been receiving threats

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF is concerned for the safety of Marlene Vaz, a journalist based in the northeastern town of Río Branco, and her family, who have been harassed as a result of her reporting the theft of a large consignment of sport shoes involving the Río Branco police in early 2006. The threats have stepped […]

Link to: Two female indigenous radio station broadcasters murdered in ambush of crew in Oaxaca

Two female indigenous radio station broadcasters murdered in ambush of crew in Oaxaca

(ARTICLE 19/CENCOS/IFEX) – Two announcers of La Voz que Rompe el Silencio community radio station, which is based in San Juan Copala, Oaxaca state, in southeast Mexico, were shot dead when traveling on the highway connecting Joya del Mamey to Putla de Guerrero, two settlements in Oaxaca. Dead are Felicitas Martínez Sánchez, 21, and Teresa […]

Link to: More transgender people arrested, mistreated in detention as dress-code crackdown continues

More transgender people arrested, mistreated in detention as dress-code crackdown continues

(HRW/IFEX) – The Following is a Human Rights Watch press release: Kuwait: Halt Dress-Code Crackdown Authorities Should Repeal Repressive Law, Free Detainees (New York, March 31, 2008) – New arrests show that Kuwait has resumed enforcing a repressive dress code that criminalizes “imitating the appearance of the opposite sex,” Human Rights Watch said today. It […]

Link to: Growing concerns for the health and safety of controversial feminist Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasrin in Delhi

Growing concerns for the health and safety of controversial feminist Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasrin in Delhi

(WiPC/IFEX) – International PEN’s Writers in Prison Committee is increasingly concerned for the safety and well-being of Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasrin, who has been under government protection in a safe house in Delhi since 21 November 2007. Her health is said to be rapidly deteriorating and there are concerns about her treatment in confinement and […]

Link to: CERIGUA laments lack of women’s participation in and access to the media

CERIGUA laments lack of women’s participation in and access to the media

(CERIGUA/IFEX) – The following is a 22 February 2008 CERIGUA press release: The invisibility of women in the media A CERIGUA report says the majority of mainstream media outlets do not adequately represent women or give credence to the important and diverse roles women play in society. Women are predominantly portrayed as victims and not […]

Link to: Editor of Afghan women’s magazine arrested, held without charge

Editor of Afghan women’s magazine arrested, held without charge

(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is an IFJ media release: Women’s Magazine Editor from Afghanistan Arrested in Iran The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is extremely concerned at reports that the editor of a women’s rights magazine in Afghanistan was arrested in Iran on March 4 and continues to be held without charge. The Afghan Independent […]

Link to: ARTICLE 19 profiles women speaking out despite taboos and censorship

ARTICLE 19 profiles women speaking out despite taboos and censorship

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 press release: International Women’s Day: Women confronting taboos and censorship “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression: this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” Universal […]

Link to: Banned women writers continue to denounce injustices, risking arrest and lengthy imprisonment, says WiPC

Banned women writers continue to denounce injustices, risking arrest and lengthy imprisonment, says WiPC

(WiPC/IFEX) – The following is an abridged version of a 4 March 2008 WiPC press release: Women Writing Under Surveillance in China Five months exactly before the opening of the Beijing Olympics on 8 August 2008, International PEN is marking International Women’s Day (8 March) by celebrating the work of three women writers under threat […]

Link to: Media group sues nationalist newspaper for making two of its women journalists public targets of hatred

Media group sues nationalist newspaper for making two of its women journalists public targets of hatred

(BIANET/IFEX) – The Dogan media group is filing a suit against the nationalist “Halka ve Olaylara Tercüman” (“Interpreter of the People and Events”) newspaper for making two of its journalists, Perihan Magden and Ece Temelkuran, public targets of hatred. The media group’s lawyers filed a complaint with the Bakirköy Chief Public Prosecution on 7 February […]

Link to: New censorship law threatens freedom of expression and opinion, says HRinfo

New censorship law threatens freedom of expression and opinion, says HRinfo

(HRinfo/IFEX) – On 6 February 2008, the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (HRinfo) stated that the new website censorship law the Kuwaiti government intends to present to the parliament is contradictory to the dominant trend in most democratic countries, where an increase of freedom of expression, especially on the internet, is recommended. An article […]

Link to: Two sentenced to six years in jail for allegedly distributing anti-government leaflets; woman writer released

Two sentenced to six years in jail for allegedly distributing anti-government leaflets; woman writer released

(HRW/IFEX) – The following is an abridged Human Rights Watch press release: Vietnam: Woman Writer Released, but Crackdown Continues (New York, February 1, 2008) – The Vietnamese government released the award-winning writer Tran Khai Thanh Thuy from prison yesterday, but continues to hold dozens of other peaceful activists in prison or under house arrest, Human […]