(APG/IFEX) – The following is an abridged version of a 27 May 2005 press release by the APG’s Press Freedom Committee: APG condemns deaths threats and assaults on journalists, supports urgent call for end to wave of repression of human rights groups The Press Freedom Committee (CLP) of the APG supports the urgent and angry […]
(APG/IFEX) – The following is an abridged version of a 27 May 2005 press release by the APG’s Press Freedom Committee:
APG condemns deaths threats and assaults on journalists, supports urgent call for end to wave of repression of human rights groups
The Press Freedom Committee (CLP) of the APG supports the urgent and angry call made by various human rights organisations to the Guatemalan State, and especially to the Security Cabinet, to render accounts for the harassment, surveillance and death threats being made against human rights defenders, as well as the raids on the citizens’ organizations’ headquarters. The APG also supports their demand for the investigation and dismantling of the clandestine groups sowing terror in Guatemala and calls for the members of these groups to be brought to trial.
[In addition to the above, APG draws attention to various attacks on press freedom.]
During March, April and May 2005 a total of six telephoned death threats were received by journalists in various departments. In addition, there were four incidents in which journalists were followed by armed men on motorcycles.
Journalist Miguel Ángel Barrios, of the television news programme “Noti Galaxia”, based in Tecún Umán, San Marcos, received constant death threats, with a recent surge in the number of calls warning him to leave town or be murdered.
Selvin Espinoza, correspondent for “Prensa Libre” in Totonicapán, was detained, shackled and beaten by two members of the National Police (Policia Nacional Civil, PNC) without any justification whatsoever.
Maritza López, reporter for “El Quetzalteco” of Quetzaltenango was violently expelled from a public meeting by the town mayor’s assistant.
All of the above are serious violations of the right to freedom of the press and of opinion, and endanger the lives of journalists fulfilling their obligation to inform the public about the events occurring in the country.
We call upon on the media to condemn these events and demand a stop to the abuse of journalists, many of whom have been victims of government officials who disagree with the content of their reporting.
27 May 2005
Press Freedom Commission of the Guatemalan Journalists’ Association