Edmundo Moreira da Silva was detained by municipal police while he was recording a session of the Municipal Councillors' Assembly.
(IPYS/IFEX) – 10 May 2010 – On 28 April 2010, journalist Edmundo Moreira da Silva, of the digital media outlet Portal Hoje, was detained by municipal police when he was recording a session of the Municipal Councillors’ Assembly. The incident occurred in Maranhão state, northeastern Brazil.
Silva was accompanied by camera operator Magno Ferreira. They were waiting for the voting to begin when two policemen stopped them from recording any images, stating that they had no authorization from the Assembly’s president, councilman Antônio Borges Pimentel Filho.
The journalist insisted and was detained. Silva was handcuffed and taken to the police station, where he was accused of contempt for the authorities.
IPYS condemns Moreira’s arbitrary detention as an infringement of the right to receive and impart information.