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1032 articles

Egypt: Targeting of Al-Tantawy underscores illegitimacy of upcoming elections

Rights groups reaffirm the impossibility of holding genuine elections amid a repressive climate.

Egypt: Sentencing of Hesham Kassem confirms National Dialogue is a farce, warn rights groups

Egyptian authorities clearly remain committed to their zero-tolerance policy towards dissent.

Egypt: Recent arbitrary practices show no intent to improve human rights situation

Detention of journalist Ahmed Gamal Ziada’s father reflects the growing trend of authorities targeting families of dissident critics.

Egypt: Armed clashes in Sinai raise questions about security situation amid media blackout

Pressing authorities for facts, rights groups call for an end to decade-long ban on media coverage in Sinai.

Egypt’s worst decade for human rights

The government’s counter-terrorism architecture has been used to consolidate authoritarianism and crush peaceful dissent.

Egypt: Rights groups condemn latest blocking of news websites

The continued blocking of websites exacerbates violations against the right to free media and access to information.

Egypt: Poet Galal El-Behairy is at risk after 80 days on hunger strike

PEN International believes the jailed poet is being targeted for his writings critical of Egyptian authorities.

Egypt adds human rights defenders to new terrorism lists after launch of ‘national dialogue’

Authorities use terrorism lists as a tool to suppress citizens’ freedom of expression and association, rights groups say.

Egypt: 32 human rights groups condemn the referral of ‘Mada Masr’ journalists to trial

IFEX joins calls for authorities to drop charges against journalists and halt independent media crackdown.

Egypt: Harsh sentences against rights activists

29 members of an independent rights group sentenced to between five years and life in prison for their peaceful activism.

Egypt: Poet Galal El Behairy launches hunger strike on 5th anniversary of unjust detention

Civil society organizations call on Egyptian authorities to release El Behairy and all those arbitrarily detained for their free expression.

Digital targeting and its offline consequences for LGBTQI+ people in MENA

A new report examines how several authorities in the region have integrated technology into their policing of LGBTQI+ people.

Egypt: NGOs call for urgent action by the UN Human Rights Council to address the country’s worsening crisis

“As witnessed by the world during COP27, the brutal crackdown on civil society in Egypt continues to intensify.”

Egypt: CIHRS website blocked in reprisal for joint report to UN Human Rights Council

The latest censorship confirms the report’s conclusion that no serious steps are being taken by the authorities to address the ongoing human rights crisis.

Heightened digital oppression in Egypt

Laws and measures adopted by authorities in recent years enable unlawful internet censorship and mass surveillance of users, reports SMEX.

Egypt: Crisis by design, a human rights report by independent Egyptian organizations to the UN

A new report finds the human rights situation in Egypt has persisted and even exacerbated since its last UPR review in 2019.