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313 articles

MFWA appeals for end to persecution of journalist Noah Dameh

Authorities detain Ghanaian journalist Noah Dameh instead of investigating his report on police brutality.

Misinformation in Ghana fuelled by politicians and weakened legacy media

At a frank discussion on misinformation convened by Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) and partner, stakeholders take tough stance on political propaganda and regulation of social media platforms.

Ruling on journalist’s defamation suit disappointing and disturbing

Not only does a Ghanian High Court judge dismiss a defamation suit filed by investigative journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas, but he goes on to describe him as a “corrupt blackmailer”.

Claim of absolute freedoms in Ghana is refuted by the MFWA

While Ghana’s President Nana Akufo-Addo boasts of a country that promotes media freedom and freedom of expression, the MFWA spotlights the unresolved killing of Ahmed Suale and other serious media freedom violations.

MFWA reviews Ghana’s media landscape

Ghana’s democratic era recorded significant gains for freedom of expression, but those advances could be reversed if media rights violations continue.

Cost of accessing information gazetted by Ghana’s parliament

With the passing of the Fees and Charges Act, Ghana’s parliament has removed a major hurdle to the enjoyment of the right to access information held by public bodies.

Ghanaian court orders state institutions to compensate Emmanuel Ajarfor Abugri

In what can be described as a major victory for media freedom, Ghana’s Human Rights Division Court orders the heads of three major state institutions to apologize to journalist Emmanuel Ajarfor Abugri, for violating his rights.

Ahmed Suale’s killing: 4 years of assurances, denials, inertia and silence

Impunity over Ahmed Suale’s killing is a blot on Ghana’s press freedom record and a dismal emblem of the steep deterioration of press freedom in the country.

The aversion to critical investigative journalism in Ghana

Executive Director of Media Foundation for West Africa, Sulemana Braimah reflects on the accelerated decline in the safety of investigative journalists in Ghana under President Nana Akufo Addo’s watch.

Members of Ghana’s judiciary and legislature compelled to declare assets

Ghanaian accountability investigative project interrogates state institutions on the extent to which their staff complies with the country’s RTI legislative requirements.

MFWA unpacks Ghana’s Right to Information law

The Media Foundation for West Africa compiles most Frequently Asked Questions on Ghana’s Right to Information law based on their interaction with stakeholders during their training workshops, forums and advocacy engagements.

Radio silence spreading across parts of West Africa

In the last 5 months, around 133 broadcasters in Nigeria, Ghana and Guinea-Bissau have been taken off air, resulting from orders from authorities or due to non-payment of exorbitant license fees.

Traditional council orders broadcaster to go off air

Angered by remarks made by a politician during an interview, the Kumasi Traditional Council in the Ashanti Region of Ghana has ordered Oyerepa FM to suspend its operations.

Ghanaian radio station blocked from covering traditional festival

The Ada Traditional Council send a letter outlining restrictions on Radio Ada, banning it from covering the Asafotufiami Festival, over the station’s alleged utterances against the chief, and coverage of the salt industry.

13 promising young journalists make it to MFWA Felllowship programme

13 Fellows from Ghana, Sierra Leone and Liberia have been selected for the 2022 Next Generation Investigative Journalism Fellowship programme.

Senegal and Ghana’s slow slide in press freedom rankings

Senegal and Ghana’s sharp decline on the 2022 RSF World Press Freedom Index comes as an unwelcome shock, especially because the two countries were once at the forefront of freedom of expression on the African continent.