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Support It! Bring on celebrities that can help your cause

Check out the IFEX Campaign Toolkit to learn how to harness celebrity support for your campaign!

REUTERS/Francois Lenoir

EU-US trade negotiations continue shutting out the public – when will they learn?

EU and US trade officials still have not learned the more important lesson from ACTA – shutting out the public from seeing or participating in a given policymaking venue only guarantees that the public will see those resulting policies as illegitimate.

Cover of The first "Captain Underpants" book, Wikipedia

Without net neutrality, the threats range from slow lanes to censorship

There is a real danger that eliminating the open net could lead to content discrimination by Internet providers that don’t like what they see.

Link to: How automatic encryption ensures safety by default

How automatic encryption ensures safety by default

Everyone benefits from secure tools, but the most vulnerable users — such as journalists — benefit most when they don’t need to go out of their way to stay safe.

Link to: UN Human Rights Council unanimously adopts new resolution on safety of journalists

UN Human Rights Council unanimously adopts new resolution on safety of journalists

Among other key aspects, a new UN Human Rights Council resolution elaborates on the need and, notably the means, to have full investigations and prosecutions in the hundreds of cases of murdered journalists.

REUTERS/Mike Hutchings

On Right to Know Day, calls for UN to include free expression rights in development goals

More than 100 civil society organisations ask the UN Secretary General to recognise the importance of free expression rights in the sustainable development goals.

February 2009 photograph from Khartoum, Sudan, REUTERS/Zohra Bensemra

Where books are banned, the Internet can be a lifesaver

For individuals living in countries with high levels of censorship, the Internet has become a means for circumventing restrictions on book sales.

A journalist (L) stands in front of policemen during the trial of Andal Ampatuan Jr. at a court in the police headquarters in Taguig city, south of Manila, 17 November 2010, REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco

UN HRC: States called on to end impunity for attacks on journalists

At a side event during the UN Human Rights Council’s 27th session, ARTICLE 19 convened a high-level panel discussion to underscore the importance of States supporting a draft resolution on the safety of journalists.

Members of Freedom Online Coalition may be using FinFisher surveillance spyware

Documents recently released by WikiLeaks have brought new evidence to the public eye that the intrusive surveillance spyware FinFisher may be in use by several members of the Freedom Online Coalition, including Mongolia, Netherlands, and Estonia.

Link to: Post 2015 and the Right to Know

Post 2015 and the Right to Know

Right to Know Day, on 28 September, coincides with the start of a year-long negotiation process to agree the Post-2015 agenda. States will be discussing the framework that will be the foundation for international policy commitments for the next fifteen years and more.

Link to: UN HRC: Right to water and sanitation relies on free expression

UN HRC: Right to water and sanitation relies on free expression

In an oral statement to the UN Human Rights Council on 9 September 2014, ARTICLE 19 welcomed the annual report of the Special Rapporteur on the Human Right to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation for making strong recommendations for States to recognise the connection between the right to water and sanitation and the right to […]

Link to: The IGF and the ‘inconvenient’ ungovForum

The IGF and the ‘inconvenient’ ungovForum

At the recent Internet Governance Forum held in Turkey, the authorities rejected applications for workshops filed by grassroots-based Turkish organizations about the Turkish government’s acts of censorship and surveillance. The ungovForum was therefore set up as an alternative forum and counterpoint to the IGF.

A woman wearing a mask depicting German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a protest in Berlin calling for the protection of digital data privacy, 30 August 2014, REUTERS/Thomas Peter

UNHRC: Joint statement on privacy in the digital age

This week’s discussion of the report on surveillance by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights at the Human Rights Council is a critical moment in the global understanding of the human rights challenges raised by unlawful and arbitrary surveillance.

Link to: Towards an Internet Nation?

Towards an Internet Nation?

EFF generally focuses less of our time and attention on the evolution of institutional Internet governance, and more on fighting for substantive rights and freedoms through the structures that we already have. But this is not the same as to accept that existing governance structures are perfect, or that rights and freedoms on the global Internet might yet be best safeguarded by new models which did not directly proceed from the affairs and interests of nation states.

Watch it: An animated intro to the IFEX Campaign Toolkit

See in this video how our animated campaigners use the toolkit to get a free expression advocate out of jail.

From reddit to Pornhub, websites slow down for net neutrality on 10 September

On 10 September, digital rights organisations, Internet companies and even major adult platforms will join an online protest calling for stronger protections for net neutrality.