World Report 2008: Saudi Arabia
World Report 2008: Saudi Arabia

Cleric issues religious edict calling for trial, death of two writers for “heretical articles”
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 20 March 2008 CPJ press release: Saudi cleric issues fatwa against two journalists New York, March 20, 2008 – The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned by the religious edict issued last week by a radical Saudi cleric who called for the trial and death of two writers for […]

Freedom of the Press 2007: Saudi Arabia
Freedom of the Press 2007: Saudi Arabia

News channel director fired after airing critical comments; Information minister bans live programmes on state television
(RSF/IFEX) – Information minister Iyad Madani announced a nationwide ban on all live broadcasts on Saudi public TV channels on 30 January 2008, two days after angry viewers made unflattering comments about senior officials, including King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, during a phone-in programme on the news channel Al-Ikhbariya. The station’s director, Mohammed Al-Tunsi, was […]

French journalist who is Jewish denied visa
(RSF/IFEX) – Reporters Without Borders condemns the Saudi government’s refusal to issue a visa to French journalist Gideon Kouts, a contributor to the French monthly “L’Arche” and Israeli television’s Channel Two. “Saudi Arabia’s discrimination against journalists who work for Israeli media is unacceptable,” the organisation said. Kouts, who is Jewish, was notified on 10 January […]

Blogger arrested, his whereabouts unknown; news website and blog publishing service blocked by authorities
(RSF/IFEX) – RSF condemns the detention of blogger Ahmad Fouad Al-Farhan ( http://www.alfarhan.org ) since 10 December 2007. His family does not know where he is being held or what he is charged with. He said on his blog a few days before his arrest that he was expecting a summons from the interior ministry. […]

Government bans 22 critics from travel, orders three journalists to stop publishing articles
(HRW/IFEX) – The following is a 14 February 2007 Human Rights Watch press release: Saudi Arabia: Lift Travel Ban on Government Critics (New York, February 14, 2007) – Saudi Arabia should lift politically motivated bans on foreign travel it has imposed on prominent government critics, Human Rights Watch said in a letter sent to King […]

Discussion forum host’s whereabouts unknown after his arrest by secret police in round-up of reform advocates
(HRW/IFEX) – The following is an 8 February 2007 Human Rights Watch press release: Saudi Arabia: Free Detained Advocates of Reform Secret Police Arrests 7 Prominent Reformers in Replay of Events in 2004 (New York, February 8, 2007) – Saudi Arabia should immediately release, or formally charge and present the evidence against, 10 persons arrested […]

Government gags women’s rights activist, threatens her with job loss
(HRW/IFEX) – The following is a Human Rights Watch press release: Saudi Arabia: Lift Gag-Order on Rights Campaigner Women’s Rights Activist Forced to Sign Oath Not to Protest (New York, October 31, 2006) – The Saudi government should immediately stop harassing Saudi human rights activist Wajeha al-Huwaider and allow her to exercise her right to […]

Writer, long harassed and censored, arrested for demonstrating in favor of women’s rights
(HRinfo/IFEX) – HRinfo condemns the 4 August 2006 arrest of the Saudi writer Wajiha Al-Howaider. She was arrested while walking on the bridge connecting Saudi Arabia with Bahrain, holding a banner that stated “Give women their rights”. Her arrest is only one of many forms of harassment that she has faced, starting with her being […]

Resistance to press reform from religious and government officials, finds CPJ report
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a CPJ press release: Princes, Clerics, and Censors A CPJ special report: In Saudi Arabia, resistance to press reform New York, May 9, 2006 – Despite domestic and international pressure for reform, government and religious authorities in Saudi Arabia employ a wide array of behind-the-scenes controls to curtail coverage of […]

Journalist, accused of un-Islamic writings, released after signing statement, barred from leaving country
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 20 April 2006 CPJ press release: Saudi journalist, accused of un-Islamic writings, is freed New York, April 20, 2006 – The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the release of Saudi journalist Rabah al-Quwai’, who was held for 13 days in retaliation for his writings about religious extremism. Al-Quwai’, a […]

Detained journalist taunted in police cell, his lawyer denied access
(HRW/IFEX) – The following is a Human Rights Watch press release: Saudi Arabia: Al-Qa’ida Critic Arrested for ‘Destructive Thoughts’ Secret Police Ensnare Liberal Journalist (New York, April 12, 2006) – Saudi authorities in the northern city of Ha’il should immediately release Rabbah al-Quwai’i, a journalist for Riyadh’s al-Shams newspaper, Human Rights Watch said today. The […]

Journalist detained for writings about religious extremism
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a CPJ press release: Saudi journalist detained for writings New York, April 7, 2006 – The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply concerned about the ongoing detention of a Saudi journalist who has been held for five days in retaliation for his writings about religious extremism. Rabah al-Quwai’, who writes […]

RSF and HRinfo appeal to King Abdullah about his government’s Internet policies
(RSF/HRinfo/IFEX) – Reporters Without Borders and the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information have written to King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz asking him to intervene on behalf of Mohsen al-Awajy, who was arrested on 10 March 2006 for criticising the Saudi authorities, especially labour minister Ghazy al-Kosseiby, on the Wasatyah.com website. The letter also urged […]

Second Russian newspaper closes over cartoons, editor facing charges; Saudi authorities close weekly for republishing cartoons
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 21 February 2006 CPJ press release: RUSSIA: Second paper closes in wake of Danish cartoon controversy New York, February 21, 2006 – The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by the closure of a second Russian newspaper that published religious cartoons related to the controversy over Danish drawings of […]