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886 articles

Civil society networks unite to defend civic space in Venezuela

We call on the international community to actively support all efforts to prevent this and other similar legislation from proliferating in the region

Venezuelan authorities question 2 “El Nacional” employees, summon 3 others

The criminal investigation is the latest move by Venezuela’s authoritarian government against “El Nacional”.

IAPA denounces the complicity of private companies in censoring media in Venezuela

IAPA denounces the collaboration of private telecommunications companies with the Venezuelan government to censor and block online media outlets and to intercept the telephone communications of journalists, opponents, and citizens critical of the regime.

International Cooperation Bill in Venezuela replicates trend to restrict the civic space in Latin America

Regional networks Al Sur; Alianza Regional por la Libre Expresión e Información; IFEX-ALC and Voces del Sur reject the International Cooperation Bill currently under discussion in the National Assembly in Venezuela as it poses a risk to the existence of social and civil organizations in the country by undermining the right to freedom of association.

How Venezuela’s government uses private internet providers to restrict access to the news

Since Venezuela began cracking down on independent media in 2007, most internet blockages have been conducted by CANTV, the state-run ISP that now provides two-thirds of residential connections.

Independent Venezuelan news sites blocked by state-controlled and private service providers

Fresh blocks on a handful of Venezuela’s few remaining independent news websites are a troubling sign of escalating press censorship.

IFEX-ALC expresses solidarity with journalist Roberto Deniz and the web portal

IFEX-ALC expresses its solidarity with Roberto Deniz and the investigative journalism portal, as both are being subjected to harassment and judicial persecution.

An employee at the offices of "El Nacional" newspaper, Caracas, Venezuela, 14 June 2019, FEDERICO PARRA/AFP via Getty Images

Venezuelan authorities seize headquarters of “El Nacional” as damages in defamation suit

Venezuelan authorities should ensure that civil defamation suits cannot be abused to censor news outlets, and should return “El Nacional”’s headquarters to its owners immediately.

Civil society organizations declare their resounding rejection and demand the repeal of the new registration measure for terrorism and other crimes in Venezuela

The NGOs of civil society express our resounding rejection of new Administrative Ruling 001-2021 for the Unified Registry of Obligated Subjects before the National Office Against Organized Crime and Terrorism Financing

Venezuelan authorities charge 2 journalists, imprison 1, under ‘anti-hate’ law

Venezuelan authorities should immediately drop all charges against journalists Otilio Rodríguez and Nicmer Evans, release Evans immediately, and stop using the country’s anti-hate law to persecute the press.

IFEX-ALC condemns arrest of journalist Darvinson Rojas, calls for his release

We, the member organisations of the IFEX-ALC network, condemn the arrest of journalist Darvinson Rojas in retaliation for his publication of information regarding COVID-19 infection cases in the Venezuelan state of Miranda. We call for his immediate release and for the charges against him to be dropped.

Venezuelan journalist arrested by special forces following coronavirus coverage

Venezuelan authorities must immediately release journalist Darvinson Rojas and ensure that the media can cover the coronavirus outbreak in the country without fear of retribution.

Pro-government groups attack reporters covering Juan Guaidó’s return to Venezuela

Venezuelan authorities should quickly and thoroughly investigate the violent attacks on journalists covering Juan Guaidó’s return to the country, and determine whether security forces were negligent in protecting journalists.

IFEX-ALC condemns Venezuela’s refusal to allow visit by IACHR

Blocking the IACHR’s entry to the country denies victims the opportunity to be heard and seek justice.

Venezuelan intelligence services raid, shutter news outlets Venepress and Telecaribe

CPJ calls on Venezuelan authorities to immediately allow local news outlets Telecaribe and Venepress to resume their work informing the public and cease their harassment of independent media.

Milagros Socorro: “To see your country destroyed day after day fatigues the soul”

Journalist and ICORN writer-in-residence Milagros Socorro continues to write and fight against corruption and authoritarianism in her native Venezuela.