Articles by 7amleh – Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media

Privacy and personal data protection in Palestine: Double violations and absent legislation
Palestinians’ right to privacy and the protection of personal data is subjected to negligence and exploitation by both Israeli and Palestinian authorities reveals a new report.

Palestinian Digital Rights Coalition welcomes lawsuit against Israeli Surveillance firm NSO Group
The use of surveillance practices must stop, perpetrators must be held accountable, and victims including Palestinian-French human rights defender Salah Hammouri must receive justice, says the Palestinian Digital Rights Coalition (PDRC).

Rights groups call on ‘Deutsche Welle’ to retract biased report targeting Palestinian journalists
The report is just the latest development in an ongoing anti-Palestinian smear campaign that silences Palestinian voices and restricts freedom of expression, say over 100 rights groups.

Palestine: Rise in online hate speech on Israeli networks targeting Palestinians and Arabs
In its latest “Index of Racism and Incitement on Israeli Social Media”, the Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media (7amleh) found an 8% increase in online hate speech directed at Palestinians and Arabs compared to 2020.

Surveillance, censorship, and violations: the state of Palestinian digital rights in 2021
The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media (7amleh) documented 1,033 violations of Palestinian digital rights on social media platforms last year.

Pegasus spyware targets Palestinian rights defenders
Rights groups condemn the use of NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware against six Palestinian human rights defenders, in violation of their right to privacy and freedom of expression.

Hateful Network: How online hate speech amongst Palestinians is impacting their digital rights
Nine out of ten Palestinians were subjected to hate speech on social media platforms on political or gender-based grounds, says a new report by the Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media (7amleh).

Palestine: Facebook Oversight Board’s decision a step in the right direction, but not enough
Facebook’s Oversight Board concludes content removal was an unjustifiable restriction of freedom of expression, in a case rights groups say is emblematic of the company’s arbitrary and non-transparent content moderation policies.