Articles by Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC)

AFIC executive director explains link between access to information and development
Gilbert Sendugwa, executive director of Africa Freedom of Information Centre, charts the milestone to the proclamation for Universal Access to Information Day and why ATI legislation is critical.

ACHPR must expand, not limit civil society participation
28 civil society groups are calling on the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights to broaden rather than limit civil society observation and participation in its activities.

Silencing ‘secrets’ in Guinea, information vs HIV, #FreeMartha and goodbye Mugabe: November in Africa
Major strides towards fighting impunity in The Gambia, US journalist Martha O’Donovan charged with subversion in Zimbabwe as Mugabe resigns, Guinea’s clampdown on free expression, and more in our November roundup of free expression issues in Africa.

45 days and counting: Cameroon’s internet shutdown
Within the past year, the government of Cameroon has shut down the internet in its attempt to clamp down on demonstrations in English-speaking regions of the country.

Immediate action needed to end attacks on democracy in Cambodia
IFEX members join 55 NGOs in an open call to the international community to reconvene the Paris Peace Conference in light of its 26th anniversary and worsening attacks on democracy in Cambodia.

Urgent Call on the Advancement of Citizens’ Access to Information in Ghana
34 NGOs call on the government of Ghana to ensure its citizens’ right to access to information.

Security forces kill unarmed protestors in anglophone regions of Cameroon
AFEX has denounced the brutality of Cameroon’s security forces against unarmed civilians, reportedly killing 12 people and injuring many more in the country’s English-speaking regions, as well as the government’s decision to shut down the internet for the second time this year amidst protests.

Facebook fears, parliamentary brawls & SDGs: September in Africa
September saw protests and internet disruptions in Togo and Cameroon, an initiative to increase gender diversity in Nigeria’s tech and media community, and an access to information report that could help countries work towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.