Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB)

Articles by Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB)

UAE: New cybercrime law threatens right to free expression

Rights groups say overbroad and vague terminology of new law provides authorities with excessive discretion to criminalise and impose lengthy prison sentences on individuals exercising their rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.

Jailed academic Dr. Abduljalil AlSingace, Credit: Haq Movement for Liberties & Democracy

Bahrain: Rights groups call on authorities to release jailed academic Dr. Abduljalil AlSingace

IFEX joins rights groups in calling for the immediate release of prominent human rights defender Dr. Abduljalil Alsingace who has been on hunger strike since 8 July 2021 to protest his mistreatment by prison authorities.

Rights organizations call on Biden administration to shift US policy toward Bahrain

In a joint letter to President Elect Joseph Biden, organizations raise their concerns about the deteriorating political situation in Bahrain and urge him to ensure that democracy and human rights are returned to the center of American foreign policy.

Bahrain: Tortured activists now face execution

After a highly criticised trial based on forced confessions, the country’s highest court upholds death sentences for tortured pro-democracy activists Mohamed Ramadhan and Husain Moosa.

Saudi Arabia: How a culture of impunity became policy in the Kingdom

From the killing of Jamal Khashoggi to the imprisonment and torture of activists and journalists, ADHRB documents a timeline of human rights violations in Saudi Arabia under Mohammed bin Salman, and the culture of impunity he has cultivated.

Above the law: How Bahraini authorities maintain an entrenched culture of impunity

Despite widespread human rights abuses in Bahrain at the hands of security personnel, few are held accountable. ADHRB highlights the persistent culture of impunity perpetuated by the Bahraini government.

Torture in Bahrain: UN experts decry treatment of political prisoners

Mistreatment of political prisoners in Bahraini jails may amount to “torture”, say eight UN Special Rapporteurs. IFEX member ADHRB provides context for the documented range of abuses prisoners have been subject to.

United Arab Emirates: Human rights lawyer Mohammed Al-Roken must be released

Rights groups and leading intellectuals call for the immediate release of prominent human rights defender Dr. Mohammed Al-Roken, arbitrarily detained since 2012.